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  1. OpenCPN Version 2.6 Beta Status
  2. AIS Data in GE Plugin . . .
  3. Charts Do NOT Open Promptly when Building Routes
  4. Transferring OpenCPN Routes to New Laptop
  5. MOB AIS Transmitters
  6. Is There a Way to Convert capn Tracks to gpx for Use in OpenCPN ?
  7. OpenCPN Auto Anchor Mark ?
  8. AIS with Internet
  9. Installing OpenCPN on Mac
  10. A Library of Layers
  11. AIS Request for Multiple Icons (New Features)
  12. Position and Heading, but Not Depth . . .
  13. New IAC Fleetcode Plugin for OpenCPN
  14. Cannot Upload Waypoints to Furuno GPS
  15. gdiplus.dll Error on Installation
  16. Building OpenCPN with Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010
  17. Map Media Charts (MM2)
  18. OpenCPN - Great, But . . .
  19. OpenCPN .xpm from .jpg Own Ship Icon
  20. Problem with OpenCPN 2.5.0
  21. Icons . . . Help Me !
  22. Open CPN Manual
  23. OpenCPN CM93+ Downloaded .tiff Charts
  24. No Chart Directories
  25. Charts Types
  26. Nature of Bottom Text
  27. OpenCPN, Mapsource Chartpak
  28. Yahoo Pipes for OpenCPN
  29. No Autopilot Output
  30. GPX / KMZ Routes / Track Storage for OpenCPN
  31. Any GPSUtility Owners ?
  32. OpenCPN on Mac OSX 10.7 (Lion)
  33. Cheap Chartplotter ?
  34. OPENCPN Ver 2.5.0
  35. Users to Open with a Pilot
  36. Routes to Garmin 400, 500 series?
  37. Cruising Guide with Additional Information Links
  38. S57 Charts in Version 2.5
  39. CYC Chart CDs
  40. OpenCPN - GPS Feed from PolarCOM
  41. Logbook Konni for OpenCPN
  42. Could Not Locate OpenCPN.conf
  43. Opencpn@ Garmin GPSmap 78sc
  44. OpenCPN Use with Canadian BSB4 Charts
  45. Virtual OpenCPN - 'OpenCPN on a Stick'
  46. Pilot Charts Readable by OpenCPN
  47. Tide and Current
  48. 2.5.0 Still with Chart Edge Drawing Problems
  49. Can OpenCPN Run Two Independant Instances ?
  50. Opening OpenCPN Problems
  51. Route Planning with GRIB - Work in Progress
  52. What Am I Doing Wrong ?
  53. Daily Track, Anchor Watch, Layers Visibility . . .
  54. Need Help Sending NEMA Code
  55. OpenGL for OpenCPN
  56. OpenCPN and Nokia n900
  57. How to Run Two Instances of OpenCPN ?
  58. OpenCPN Under Alix Board - Which Linux ?
  59. AIS Port Confusion
  60. Adding Photos and Sound to OpenCpn Waypoints
  61. OpenCPN Will Not Load
  62. Android Development Underway
  63. Google Earth Track and Simulation
  64. A Poll for The Most Popular Feature Requests
  65. 'Distance to Waypoint' Difference
  66. Sending WPT and Routes to Nasa Clipper Repeater
  67. The Perfect Platform for OpenCPN ? Raspberry Pi
  68. github
  69. Linux Version gpsd Selection for GPS Port
  70. Circle Course for Fishing ?
  71. CPU Usage
  72. OpenCPN Stops Running
  73. OpenCPN - Anchor Watch
  74. Format Waypoint Text Onscreen ?
  75. Waypoints Disappear when Route Eyeball Deselected ?
  76. Program Won't Open
  77. OpenCPN On Tablet Computer
  78. OpenCPN on Beagleboard
  79. The Most Popular Feature Requests
  80. Route Planning Using Existing Waypoints
  81. Running Open CPN On a Tablet with Android 3.2 Operating System
  82. CM93 Details
  83. Use an Existing Marine VHF for AIS
  84. Bug Report (and Workaround) 2.5.0 Build on Ubuntu 11.04
  85. Maps for OpenCPN
  86. Icons for OpenCPN
  87. Function Query
  88. Import GPX Tracks Crash
  89. No Charts or Outlines on Install
  90. Two Questions About OpenCPN
  91. VSPE to Connect AIS and NMEA Bus to One Serial PC Port
  92. DNC / VPF Format Digital Nautical Charts
  93. Problem Loading Route to Garmin gpsmap 76
  94. Where Is RTK Function ?
  95. No XTE Alarm in OpenCPN
  96. Current Station Calculation Errors
  97. Install Problems - OpenCPN on Fedora 32 Bit
  98. Use OpenCPN with Saved GE Caches Offline
  99. Will I Lose My Old Data ?
  100. OpenCPN for Sale on eBay - Erm . . .
  101. OpenCPN on a Kobo e-Book Reader
  102. Downloading Only the Changed RNCs / ENCs
  103. Problems with Rotated River - Maps
  104. Import Maxsea 10.3 Tracks into OpenCPN ?
  105. Ubuntu Version gpsd Restart Daemon ?
  106. Orthodromic Distance
  107. Manual Live Snapshot Broken
  108. ECDIS
  109. GPS into VHF Radio from PC Running OpenCPN with USB Device ?
  110. Problem with AIS
  111. Applying Notices to Mariners (NTMs)
  112. Thanks for the Great Work
  113. Tracker: Page Not Found
  114. Drawing Tools Under OpenCPN
  115. Heading Not Correct
  116. Hate to Suggest Android Support, but . . .
  117. Autopilot Track Following
  118. My Experience: Three + One Week - OpenCPN2.4.xx Betas
  119. Making Charts
  120. All Maps and OpenCPN from Attached Drive
  121. GRIB Icon
  122. Sending 'Go to Here' Active Route to an Autopilot
  123. Problem with Anchor Alarm in Ubuntu 11.04
  124. OpenCPN Version 2.5 Release
  125. Waypoints and Markers Move Relative to Chart when Scrolling ?
  126. GPS Compass
  127. Does this Look LIke an eBay Scam ?
  128. Dedicated Notebook for OpenCPN
  129. BSB4, 2011 Canadian Chart Problem [pics]
  130. Patch for OpenCPN to Work on Latest gpsd (2.96) and MeeGo builds
  131. Getting Instrument Data from SeaTalk hs Network Switch E55058
  132. Plugin Planning
  133. Creating Track / Route from Waypoints in OpenCPN
  134. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Release Candidate 720
  135. OpenCPN Loses Configuration
  136. Lock Toolbar
  137. OpenCPN 2.4.714 Won't Open with W7 Starter !
  138. Plugin Help
  139. Open CPN WPT Transfer to Plotter
  140. opengl Support
  141. It's in the Charts !
  142. True North or Magnetic North ?
  143. Just Can't Get A Signal With BU-353
  144. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Release Candidate 714
  145. Losing Our Waypoints
  146. OpenCPN NMEA In / Out via One RS232 Port ?
  147. New Install, No Charts Seen Yet
  148. Route Properties, Missing Functions
  149. Export Route Data to Spreadsheet
  150. Scanning Paper Charts for Use with OpenCPN
  151. A Little Help Needed
  152. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 708
  153. OpenCPN and Windows Desktop Position
  154. AIS Question
  155. AIS : Course and Heading
  156. SAIL Mag - June Issue
  157. Ubuntu10.04 LTS open CPN
  158. Route Transfers Using NME0183
  159. OpenCPN 2.3.x Much Slower than 1.3.6?
  160. Charts II: NGA - 2700 Charts
  161. S-57 3.1 format support
  162. Spec File Available ?
  163. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 628
  164. Loss of GPS signal/ COM port on Windows (7)
  165. OpenCPN Nmea Transducer
  166. China ENC charts
  167. How can I copy the Route Data file?
  168. Connect USB GPS with Ubuntu for OpenCPN
  169. Problem with remote gps
  170. New Charts for OpenCPN or a Chart Plotter???
  171. Open CPN and Furuno GP30 import-export waypoint
  172. RIS ECD charts NL
  173. Insert existing waypoint into existing route?
  174. how to install a plugin?
  175. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 620
  176. Problem Since 2.2.918 - Garmin Won't Work
  177. ImageMagic recognition problem
  178. Opencpn charts
  179. Compiling OpenCPN - Error when trying to start
  180. Change Background Colour
  181. Is tracking on or off?
  182. OpenCNP does not see CHS BSB charts
  183. Inland ENCs
  184. OpenCPN@OpenSUSE 11.4/64
  185. Chart Rotation Glitch
  186. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 612
  187. No Charts Fedora 14 2.4.606
  188. Blue Screen Shut Downs
  189. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 611
  190. Crash on first start-up: 2.3.1 and 606 (Vista)
  191. DCN NGIA
  192. Restarting GPS after Disconnect
  193. No GPS data even though data stream window ...
  194. Chart Datum for Tides
  195. ais install
  196. 2.3.1 Documentation
  197. Measure Tool - Permanent Lines ?
  198. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 606
  199. Change the OwnShip COG arrow?
  200. Open CPN Time Delay Crash on XP SP2
  201. Open cpn Installs but Does Not Open with Vista 64 bit
  202. Route Manager
  203. Serial Port Handling Redesign
  204. Cuba Charts
  205. BU-353, OpenCPN, and Mac. Help Please!
  206. Drupal?
  207. Problem to install on win 2000
  208. Plug-ins and ".pot"
  209. Importing Fugawi .trk files
  210. Max Detail Here and BSB 4
  211. Route Manager Problems
  212. NV Digital Verlag Chart PlugIn
  213. Hot Keys ...
  214. Wiki Spam Attack at opencpn.org
  215. OpenCPN and "Users" on a PC.
  216. Announcement: Plugin download (for Windows only)
  217. Keep Up the Good Work
  218. Building OpenCPN in Visual C++ 2008 Express - Errors
  219. No GPS/AIS Connect with Betas
  220. Where to get charts for OpenCPN ?
  221. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 523
  222. Radar Interface
  223. Harmonic Files ...
  224. Garmin USB-USB Cable + Windows7?
  225. Open CPN Win 7
  226. Plugin Documentation
  227. BSB Chart Error on Canadian BSB2 Charts
  228. Setting GPS Baud Rate in OpenCpn: Irrelevant ?
  229. Help Manual in PDF ?
  230. GPS Receiver BU-353
  231. Display of Lat and Lon ?
  232. Libgps19-devel for SuSe 11.4
  233. Plugging in a 115200 Baud GPS
  234. OpenCPN to old Garmin GPS72
  235. Show Waypoint from Raymarine Plotter
  236. Very Slow with ENCs
  237. Why Doesn't OpenCPN Send SOG to Autopilot
  238. Raymarine AIS Integration with OpenCPN
  239. Exporting Tracks and Stitched Charts from OpenCPN
  240. OpenCPN Grib
  241. Need OpenCPN Help
  242. OpenCPN Version 2.4 Beta Build 506
  243. Strange Chart Behavior in Latest Beta
  244. OpenCPN AutoPilot Update Frequency
  245. Network LIBGPS Data Source Problems
  246. ENC Chart Installation
  247. I Want to Debug OpenCPN in My PC
  248. OpenCPN on Gentoo Linux
  249. VDR Plugin
  250. Installation Issue with Ubuntu 11.04