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  1. Route Upload to GPS128 error
  2. Navionics Charts
  3. Wireless NMEA2000 Data in to OpenCPN
  4. Tablets
  5. Help needed to get garmin radar up and running
  6. Opencpn will not install
  7. S63_PI Beta Test 0.4.0
  8. OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1606 Released
  9. Open CPN - No "Red" Boat / Green GPS
  10. Chart buttons missing from bottom of window
  11. date function
  12. Waypoint manager, Hide all waypoints.
  13. S-63 PI preparing the beta: translations
  14. dynamic POI
  15. OpenCPN chart groups
  16. Charting ocean depths - TeamSurv
  17. Windows Phone - OpenCPN file type not supported
  18. OpenCPN for Azores
  19. fullscreen without access to keyboard
  20. GRIB Display Control
  21. OpenCPN - internal GPS - AIS via Wlan
  22. Connection Android device via Bluetooth
  23. Left click gives me object query so I cannot drag
  24. Can't get OpenCPN to work on my laptop
  25. No virtual COM port to interface to Garmin GPSmap
  26. OpenCPN SIMRAD/LOWRANCE Radar Overlay PlugIn
  27. About Chartaid and map import
  28. OpenCPN Mac Apps
  29. Hide Waypoint?
  30. Opencpn in UBUNTU (12.04 64bit) will not Unpack
  31. Driver for USB-RS232 converter not recognized
  32. waterproof slave screen at the helm options
  33. Matsutec AIS transponder
  34. gps feed into a new tablet for opencpn
  35. Vessel icon only points north
  36. Conversion ENC to SENC
  37. Magnetic variation test inquiry
  38. AIS targets not displayed
  39. Exporting (all) waypoints etc.
  40. Cant load charts (odd file structure)
  41. Garmin Radar PlugIn Version 1.4 Released
  42. Garmin GPS on OSX serial route uploads fail on 3.3.1419.
  43. ENC Charts Problem
  44. Activating a waypoint
  45. Can't print charts
  46. Shipmodul Multiplex-2 USB working under Ubuntu 13.10
  47. Updated to New Version - Lost Old Tracks??
  48. CPA / TCPA calculation to any point on map
  49. OSX Development / Compile Questions
  50. Exploring OpenCPN PowerPoint Presentation
  51. Recommended processor
  52. OpenCPN Mac OSX "tooltips"
  53. OpenCPN Instrument Addition
  54. Confused by lack of GPS 'lock' and status
  55. Building Opencpn using mingw (gcc) on Windows
  56. OpenCPN Download link not working
  57. Canadian Chart Source
  58. will this work with open cpn
  59. Chinese website OpenCPN ...
  60. Baja and Sea of Cortez Charts?
  61. OpenCPN on Windows 8 Tablet?
  62. cmake help for a total noob
  63. OpenCPN does not see STM32 virtual port in MAC OSX
  64. S63_PI Alpha Test 0.3.0
  65. OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1419 Released
  66. BSOD - OCPN & W8
  67. Plugin Distribution
  68. Caught by Driver Update for Globalsat 4
  69. Google Earth Files for Southern Pacific & Panama?
  70. Can depth units be changed
  71. Using the Wind History function
  72. OpenCPN and BSB4 on Linux
  73. Write from PI to com(AIS) port
  74. Help with Installing 3.3.1328 on Ubuntu 12.04
  75. Programming-load Image
  76. RASTOW, a tool to classify raster charts
  77. Plugins and outboard and laptop!
  78. S63_PI Alpha Test 0.2.0
  79. Installation problem with Debian 7
  80. saving wpts on OpenCN
  81. cmake problem
  82. Baja Mexico Charts
  83. OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1328 Released
  84. Why does selecting a chart automatically zoom?
  85. Converting programm from *.csv to *.gpx
  86. Weather fax plugin with my old VHF?
  87. OpenCPN & Furuno NavNet3D
  88. OpenCPN grib plugin displaying rain & 500mb
  89. Old Log will be moved to opencpn.log.log
  90. rendering glitch.. has anyone seen this?
  91. Question for Globalsat BU-353 users
  92. Can I get rid of this Thick Black Line in Vector charts?
  93. GPS Time for accurate Computer Time
  94. Plug Ins for Mac OSX
  95. cannot get Google earth running on version 3.2 OpenCPN On Vista
  96. OpenCPN on CentOS 6.4 and 6.5
  97. Upgrade to 3.3.1303
  98. Problems sending autopilot data to PolarCOM
  99. Launcher Plugin
  100. Sean Depagnier's Plugins
  101. Statusbar Plugin
  102. OCPN to Android a possibility?
  103. Can't export waypoints to Garmin GPS 12?
  104. bonjour support
  105. Open Cpn on Garmin or Lowrance chartplotter
  106. Building ship computer Advice needed
  107. Run problem after compilation
  108. Optimized Opencpn: Testers Needed
  109. How can I change this???
  110. Plugins: OpenGL and text
  111. Roll over window
  112. OpenCPN, BU-353, BSOD
  113. How to Update a Portable Install?
  114. Problems with Windows 7
  115. Android Phone as Bluetooth GPS with OpenCPN
  116. Problem with code modifications.
  117. OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1303 Released
  118. installing from OpenCPN website
  119. Data Sharing with Simrad GoFree
  120. Windows 8
  121. 64 bit tough book
  122. A Merry Christmas to all my CF Shipmates
  123. New Generation GRIB Viewer?
  124. recognizing GPS through a bluetooth multiplexer
  125. Ais alarm pop-up not popping up
  126. OpenCPN, Asus eee PC, Crunchbang Linux
  127. Open CPN and GPS compatibility
  128. Some questions on NMEA with OpenCPN - regarding Temp/Hum/Pressure
  129. Concise List of Compatible Platforms?
  130. OpenCPN driving Furuno Autopilot
  131. CM93 Charts not showing text in Windows 8.1
  132. Shutdown Button
  134. NMEA Network with OCPN
  135. raspberry pi
  136. True wind history
  137. Wierd AIS triangles
  138. OpenCPN Linux compile problems
  139. Windows 7 or Linux: which is a better turn-key solution?
  140. Weather_Routing Plugin
  141. 3.2.2 Slowwww
  142. Dashboard programming
  143. Dashboard Depth
  144. NMEA 2000
  145. chart bar - Toggling & indicating custom photo KAPs
  146. Cannot open OpenCPN 3.2.2.dmg in OSX 10.6.8
  147. Advice On My Hardware Choices
  148. New Zealand Raster Charts now BSB
  149. KAP file Open Sea MAP
  150. Help with Haicom HI-408 BT gps please
  151. Plug-In Install
  152. Non profit company, charts for OpenCPN??
  153. Send a Request mail from OpenCPN ( beta 3.3.1117)
  154. Incorrect Displayed on Quilted Screen
  155. South African Charts
  156. Class-B (Transponder) AIS devices
  157. Corps of Engineers S57 Charts for inland rivers
  158. OpenCPN has been drafted!
  159. Mediatek MT3329 USB GPS-receiver
  160. OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1117 Released
  161. OpenCPN and Ubuntu 13.10 - Saucy Salamander
  162. Google Earth Overlay for Mac?
  163. Old GPX FIles Losing Information
  164. ais receiver and openCPN
  165. NMEA output problems
  166. Plugin coding question
  167. GX2150 wiring to USB-RS 232 breakout cable
  168. DR construction using the Route Manager
  169. OpenPCN 3.22 on Windows XP x64
  170. Chart updates?
  171. GoFree working with OpenCPN
  172. AIS Targets not visible
  173. gribs
  174. OpenCPN installation problem on Ubuntu
  175. South China Sea S57 ENC Charts update issues
  176. color circle
  177. Learning OpenCPN, need TUTOR !
  178. DR Plugin - splitting up GPX route files
  179. opencpn background map
  180. canadian charts on linux
  181. opencpn & windows 8.1
  182. A20 OLinuXino MICRO Linux
  183. OpenCPN on Android using BEETmobil hotspot
  184. opencpn3.2.2 to Nasa clipper GPS repeater
  185. GPS Connection Issue
  186. Cannot activate BSB4 Plugin
  187. Which chart am I viewing?
  188. Open CPN not talking to Digital Yacht AIS and GPS - Please help!
  189. Open CPN not talking to Digital Yacht AIS and GPS Please help!
  190. Open CPN v3.2.2 Installation
  191. USB Port software to alert when port closes.
  192. plugin Mac
  193. opencpn mexican, west coast south america charts
  194. Skewed Transverse Mercator Charts
  195. OpenCPN and IHO's ECDIS data check.
  196. Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013
  197. Autopilot and GPRMC functionality.
  198. S-52 colors?
  199. Climatology
  200. cm93 details don't match up
  201. Sync Waypoints, Routes and Tracks with Dropbox
  202. INSTALL compiler error
  203. First Plugin - Remembrancer
  204. NMEA / Chartplotter Diagnosis
  205. IHO poll about presentation of currents(S-100)
  206. (X)Ubuntu 13.04 and BU-353
  207. Route Information to Autopilot
  208. Dashboard Plugin - Navigation Desktop?
  209. opencpn 3.2.2 and Garmin 18x
  210. Help Opencpn with Ubuntu 13.4
  211. Incorporaint parts of OpenCpn into my own applciation
  212. menu size
  213. Dipslaying 'notes' with BSB charts...
  214. POC: OpenCPN under Wayland (w.EGLX)
  215. OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1006 Released
  216. bzip2 not found?
  217. need help with open cpn connect to em-trak b100 AIS
  218. Tracker: Dependency Graph
  219. CM93 chart offset
  220. S-63 plug-in for OpenCPN
  221. External Alarm
  222. Atlantic crossing: Tracks download
  223. tinyxml.h not found
  224. could open CPN use log files?
  225. No AIS alarm in Opencpn when using NemaStudio to make NMEA
  226. normal use, do you guys record a track or your routes?
  227. Shortcut Keys List
  228. Sending Routes to serial ports OPENCPN
  229. Sending Routes to serial ports
  230. Tracker: Opencpn 3.3.x Beta - Unconfirmed
  231. Tracker: Chart Feature Requests
  232. OpenCPN in a French magazine
  233. Poll of OpenCPN Plug-in Developers
  234. US Army Corps of Engineers Great Loop charts
  235. No vessel name on AIS but everything else
  236. Little advice ?
  237. opcn on android ienc trouble
  238. Connecting Tab to Laptop via Teamviewer LAN
  239. Technical: windows 8 tablet location server
  240. route following
  241. Tracker: Night Vision Mode Feature Requests
  242. Tracker: RM [Route Manager] Feature Requests
  243. Tracker: AIS Feature Requests
  246. wxWidgets 2.9.5 version changed to 3.0.0
  247. Magnetic Variance and ENC
  248. 3.3.814 wouldn't recognize GPS
  249. iphone gpsd
  250. Please Help: Magnetic Course Display in OpenCPN