View Full Version : OpenCPN
- Route Upload to GPS128 error
- Navionics Charts
- Wireless NMEA2000 Data in to OpenCPN
- Tablets
- Help needed to get garmin radar up and running
- Opencpn will not install
- S63_PI Beta Test 0.4.0
- OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1606 Released
- Open CPN - No "Red" Boat / Green GPS
- Chart buttons missing from bottom of window
- date function
- Waypoint manager, Hide all waypoints.
- S-63 PI preparing the beta: translations
- dynamic POI
- OpenCPN chart groups
- Charting ocean depths - TeamSurv
- Windows Phone - OpenCPN file type not supported
- OpenCPN for Azores
- fullscreen without access to keyboard
- GRIB Display Control
- OpenCPN - internal GPS - AIS via Wlan
- Connection Android device via Bluetooth
- Left click gives me object query so I cannot drag
- Can't get OpenCPN to work on my laptop
- No virtual COM port to interface to Garmin GPSmap
- OpenCPN SIMRAD/LOWRANCE Radar Overlay PlugIn
- About Chartaid and map import
- OpenCPN Mac Apps
- Hide Waypoint?
- Opencpn in UBUNTU (12.04 64bit) will not Unpack
- Driver for USB-RS232 converter not recognized
- waterproof slave screen at the helm options
- Matsutec AIS transponder
- gps feed into a new tablet for opencpn
- Vessel icon only points north
- Conversion ENC to SENC
- Magnetic variation test inquiry
- AIS targets not displayed
- Exporting (all) waypoints etc.
- Cant load charts (odd file structure)
- Garmin Radar PlugIn Version 1.4 Released
- Garmin GPS on OSX serial route uploads fail on 3.3.1419.
- ENC Charts Problem
- Activating a waypoint
- Can't print charts
- Shipmodul Multiplex-2 USB working under Ubuntu 13.10
- Updated to New Version - Lost Old Tracks??
- CPA / TCPA calculation to any point on map
- OSX Development / Compile Questions
- Exploring OpenCPN PowerPoint Presentation
- Recommended processor
- OpenCPN Mac OSX "tooltips"
- OpenCPN Instrument Addition
- Confused by lack of GPS 'lock' and status
- Building Opencpn using mingw (gcc) on Windows
- OpenCPN Download link not working
- Canadian Chart Source
- will this work with open cpn
- Chinese website OpenCPN ...
- Baja and Sea of Cortez Charts?
- OpenCPN on Windows 8 Tablet?
- cmake help for a total noob
- OpenCPN does not see STM32 virtual port in MAC OSX
- S63_PI Alpha Test 0.3.0
- OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1419 Released
- BSOD - OCPN & W8
- Plugin Distribution
- Caught by Driver Update for Globalsat 4
- Google Earth Files for Southern Pacific & Panama?
- Can depth units be changed
- Using the Wind History function
- OpenCPN and BSB4 on Linux
- Write from PI to com(AIS) port
- Help with Installing 3.3.1328 on Ubuntu 12.04
- Programming-load Image
- RASTOW, a tool to classify raster charts
- Plugins and outboard and laptop!
- S63_PI Alpha Test 0.2.0
- Installation problem with Debian 7
- saving wpts on OpenCN
- cmake problem
- Baja Mexico Charts
- OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1328 Released
- Why does selecting a chart automatically zoom?
- Converting programm from *.csv to *.gpx
- Weather fax plugin with my old VHF?
- OpenCPN & Furuno NavNet3D
- OpenCPN grib plugin displaying rain & 500mb
- Old Log will be moved to opencpn.log.log
- rendering glitch.. has anyone seen this?
- Question for Globalsat BU-353 users
- Can I get rid of this Thick Black Line in Vector charts?
- GPS Time for accurate Computer Time
- Plug Ins for Mac OSX
- cannot get Google earth running on version 3.2 OpenCPN On Vista
- OpenCPN on CentOS 6.4 and 6.5
- Upgrade to 3.3.1303
- Problems sending autopilot data to PolarCOM
- Launcher Plugin
- Sean Depagnier's Plugins
- Statusbar Plugin
- OCPN to Android a possibility?
- Can't export waypoints to Garmin GPS 12?
- bonjour support
- Open Cpn on Garmin or Lowrance chartplotter
- Building ship computer Advice needed
- Run problem after compilation
- Optimized Opencpn: Testers Needed
- How can I change this???
- Plugins: OpenGL and text
- Roll over window
- OpenCPN, BU-353, BSOD
- How to Update a Portable Install?
- Problems with Windows 7
- Android Phone as Bluetooth GPS with OpenCPN
- Problem with code modifications.
- OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1303 Released
- installing from OpenCPN website
- Data Sharing with Simrad GoFree
- Windows 8
- 64 bit tough book
- A Merry Christmas to all my CF Shipmates
- New Generation GRIB Viewer?
- recognizing GPS through a bluetooth multiplexer
- Ais alarm pop-up not popping up
- OpenCPN, Asus eee PC, Crunchbang Linux
- Open CPN and GPS compatibility
- Some questions on NMEA with OpenCPN - regarding Temp/Hum/Pressure
- Concise List of Compatible Platforms?
- OpenCPN driving Furuno Autopilot
- CM93 Charts not showing text in Windows 8.1
- Shutdown Button
- NMEA Network with OCPN
- raspberry pi
- True wind history
- Wierd AIS triangles
- OpenCPN Linux compile problems
- Windows 7 or Linux: which is a better turn-key solution?
- Weather_Routing Plugin
- 3.2.2 Slowwww
- Dashboard programming
- Dashboard Depth
- NMEA 2000
- chart bar - Toggling & indicating custom photo KAPs
- Cannot open OpenCPN 3.2.2.dmg in OSX 10.6.8
- Advice On My Hardware Choices
- New Zealand Raster Charts now BSB
- KAP file Open Sea MAP
- Help with Haicom HI-408 BT gps please
- Plug-In Install
- Non profit company, charts for OpenCPN??
- Send a Request mail from OpenCPN ( beta 3.3.1117)
- Incorrect Displayed on Quilted Screen
- South African Charts
- Class-B (Transponder) AIS devices
- Corps of Engineers S57 Charts for inland rivers
- OpenCPN has been drafted!
- Mediatek MT3329 USB GPS-receiver
- OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1117 Released
- OpenCPN and Ubuntu 13.10 - Saucy Salamander
- Google Earth Overlay for Mac?
- Old GPX FIles Losing Information
- ais receiver and openCPN
- NMEA output problems
- Plugin coding question
- GX2150 wiring to USB-RS 232 breakout cable
- DR construction using the Route Manager
- OpenPCN 3.22 on Windows XP x64
- Chart updates?
- GoFree working with OpenCPN
- AIS Targets not visible
- gribs
- OpenCPN installation problem on Ubuntu
- South China Sea S57 ENC Charts update issues
- color circle
- Learning OpenCPN, need TUTOR !
- DR Plugin - splitting up GPX route files
- opencpn background map
- canadian charts on linux
- opencpn & windows 8.1
- A20 OLinuXino MICRO Linux
- OpenCPN on Android using BEETmobil hotspot
- opencpn3.2.2 to Nasa clipper GPS repeater
- GPS Connection Issue
- Cannot activate BSB4 Plugin
- Which chart am I viewing?
- Open CPN not talking to Digital Yacht AIS and GPS - Please help!
- Open CPN not talking to Digital Yacht AIS and GPS Please help!
- Open CPN v3.2.2 Installation
- USB Port software to alert when port closes.
- plugin Mac
- opencpn mexican, west coast south america charts
- Skewed Transverse Mercator Charts
- OpenCPN and IHO's ECDIS data check.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013
- Autopilot and GPRMC functionality.
- S-52 colors?
- Climatology
- cm93 details don't match up
- Sync Waypoints, Routes and Tracks with Dropbox
- INSTALL compiler error
- First Plugin - Remembrancer
- NMEA / Chartplotter Diagnosis
- IHO poll about presentation of currents(S-100)
- (X)Ubuntu 13.04 and BU-353
- Route Information to Autopilot
- Dashboard Plugin - Navigation Desktop?
- opencpn 3.2.2 and Garmin 18x
- Help Opencpn with Ubuntu 13.4
- Incorporaint parts of OpenCpn into my own applciation
- menu size
- Dipslaying 'notes' with BSB charts...
- POC: OpenCPN under Wayland (w.EGLX)
- OpenCPN Beta Version 3.3.1006 Released
- bzip2 not found?
- need help with open cpn connect to em-trak b100 AIS
- Tracker: Dependency Graph
- CM93 chart offset
- S-63 plug-in for OpenCPN
- External Alarm
- Atlantic crossing: Tracks download
- tinyxml.h not found
- could open CPN use log files?
- No AIS alarm in Opencpn when using NemaStudio to make NMEA
- normal use, do you guys record a track or your routes?
- Shortcut Keys List
- Sending Routes to serial ports OPENCPN
- Sending Routes to serial ports
- Tracker: Opencpn 3.3.x Beta - Unconfirmed
- Tracker: Chart Feature Requests
- OpenCPN in a French magazine
- Poll of OpenCPN Plug-in Developers
- US Army Corps of Engineers Great Loop charts
- No vessel name on AIS but everything else
- Little advice ?
- opcn on android ienc trouble
- Connecting Tab to Laptop via Teamviewer LAN
- Technical: windows 8 tablet location server
- route following
- Tracker: Night Vision Mode Feature Requests
- Tracker: RM [Route Manager] Feature Requests
- Tracker: AIS Feature Requests
- wxWidgets 2.9.5 version changed to 3.0.0
- Magnetic Variance and ENC
- 3.3.814 wouldn't recognize GPS
- iphone gpsd
- Please Help: Magnetic Course Display in OpenCPN
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