OpenCPN matures now may be a good time to implement context sensitive Help. Many of the support type questions on the forum are easily answered by the excellent
OpenCPN documentation. The advantage of a HTML Help file is that it is seachable and can be made context sensitive I have created a HTML Help file from the existing
documentation for the latest beta realease here is the link
If you are using Vista or 7 you will need the Microsoft Html Help Viewer If you are using
Linux you need xchm and on Mac the Cocoa chm viewer
The help file is just a straght conversion from the documentation It has
lost a few links and needs tidying up.
To implement context help in OpenCPN we can use the F1 key or add a help button to each dialog box. If it is implemented I will need to add context ids to each topic so the correct topic is pulled.
I am happy to caryout the conversions to help for each main or beta release for testing
Richard Fairman