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Old 02-04-2011, 22:01   #1
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Potential AIS OpenCPN conflicts

I use a PC(OpenCPN ) at the nav station as a full back up system, but Raymarine as a full system at the helm.
I am considering adding an AIS transceiver to the Raymarine (SeaTalk) system.

Since I already have an my old AIS receiver in the back up VHF/GPS
system. OpenCPN can report AIS boats now.

Can anyone tell me what will happen when the Raymarine transceiver sends out the AIS signal on its antenna and then that AIS signal would be received on the VHF/OpenCPN circuit.

Is OpenCPN going to report that I am in constantly in a collision status with
another boat? When that boat is effectively my boat.

Do any of the systems have a "block Messages From" from certain MMSI numbers?

I know I can eliminate the AIS receiver but that defeats the redundancy aspect of the system.

On another note:

Could a list of say 20 MMSI numbers be excluded from reporting. Or a list of 290 MMSI be only reported. Like when traveling with a fleet of boats from a club all going in the same direction
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Old 03-04-2011, 02:36   #2
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Re: Potential AIS OpenCPN conflicts

Some years ago I was using a Raymarine AIS receiver (not transmitting) in a SeaTalk environment. If I remember correctly, it had a NMEA 0183 capability, which I certainly used to feed a backup GPS signal into the system. I do not recall the outputs. So you could perhaps use your old receiver only when the primary Raymarine fails.

The other thing to do is to turn off all alarms in the backup OCPN setup, which you will probably want to do anyway in the backup station. You will get own boat in red, and you will get used to it.

I did not meet an AIS system with the selection capabilities you propose. Technically it is all possible, and excluding one MMSI from _alerting_ (I would not exclude anything from _reporting_) is perhaps worth considering.

Personally, I believe all setups should be kept as simple as possible, and I never use automatic alerting, when underway.
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Old 03-04-2011, 13:10   #3
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Re: Potential AIS OpenCPN conflicts


Having backup systems on board is great,but I would not run them simultaneously if you already have an AIS transceiver.

Siitech has a neat 'AIS SERVER' utility which is able to do various filtering of AIS messages. See:

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Old 03-04-2011, 13:48   #4
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Re: Potential AIS OpenCPN conflicts

Why not take the AIS data from the transceiver via the Raymarine NMEA output and turn the other one off (use it as backup)? Less power consumption and avoid the whole confusion.
sv Libertalia
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