On my
boat I have an
AIS Transponder with a
serial interface.
My Netbook, running Windows 7 Starter does not have a
serial interface, but it has bluetooth.
I have installed a serial to bluetooth adapter connected to the
AIS transponder serial port. The AIS transponder provides AIS and
GPS feed.
The bluetooth adapter is seen by Windows as COM9 port.
Using a serial terminal programme (like putty) I can open the COM9 port and see the
NMEA feed.
Also using the AIS transponder configuration programme, I can open COM9, see the AIS feed (on a basic AIS
radar window), the
GPS status, and communicate with the AIS transponder for configuration. The port can be configured to any bps rate, it does not matter which because the bluetooth adapter matches the serial port bps.
OpenCPN instead fails to receive any data from COM9. I tried several configuration combinations. I configured COM9 in the GPS tab at 38400 bps. I tried also other speeds without success.
I configured also COM9 in the AIS tab. Then I configured the GPS tab to link to AIS, I also tried without the link, still no success. Once on the GPS tab I can tick to show the
NMEA window which remains blank. No error is shown by
OpenCPN, which means the port is open successfully (to double check I tried too with a non existent port, and with the bluetooth adapter turned off, in which case OpenCPN shows an error that it failed to open the port).
I tried also using a bluetooth GPS (the one I use on my car), which is seen by Windows as COM7. In this case I could get a GPS fix on OpenCPN once or twice, but most of the times, it just does not show any NMEA feed, whilst again, opening the COM port with a serial terminal tool I can receive the GPS feed.
Clearly there is something wrong with OpenCPN and bluetooth COM
I was wondering if this issue is being addressed and if there was a workaround.