- waitpoint display size .gpx
- Ocean Infinity Donates Data to Seabed Mapping Project
- Errors with compile on RPi with Tiny Core Linux
- Problem reading KAP format
- OpenCPN Magnetic Variation Reversed?
- Sunlight Viewable Monitor
- BR24 radar plugin for NAVICO Guard Zone to detect only moving targets
- Android paid app registration?
- Double Gps question
- Light sector interpretation
- OpenCpn in Linux not receiving WIFI data
- Hiding AtoN's in AIS Target List
- OpenCpn 4.8.4 crashes on Windows 10
- route “Highway” size
- Grib-pi "Draw Requested Area" gets stuck -Bug
- Slow Route & Mark Manager
- Android Routes
- Problems with Chartworld Charts after upgrading to 4.8.4
- Chart Object Search Plugin
- unlock the standard Vector Chart Display
- ENCs not showing on upgrade to 4.8.4 from 4.6.1
- "opencpn: Symbol .." failure on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- OpenCPN Windows 10 mystery
- Other sentences in nmea
- Data on the dashboard after an interruption of the connection
- Man Overboard Marks dont delete using "Delete All"
- Windows Compile Help
- Making track lines for marine closures
- Br24 radar plugin - radar window disappeared
- OCPN Android: Fugawi plug-in released
- Wrong Base Station Location
- Boundaries in AusENC S-63 charts
- Android Tablets
- Open cpn
- OpenCPN for idiots
- Imux NMEA communication error
- running opencpn on a ereader?
- Crash when rebuilding texture cache
- South China Sea charts
- tech problems
- Missing detail in oeSENC chart
- How to activate a hardware alarm on AIS event
- crash while importing s63 map
- opencpn mac crashes upon opening preferences
- Radar Plugin using USB Ethernet Adapter
- OpenSourceBooth@boot2019
- Import GPX duplicate problem
- Waypoints being hidden on route hide
- android chart generator (plugin?) Free maps
- Charts not automatically rendered
- Texture Compression with Caching greyed out
- ODraw 1.5 beta
- How do I get large areas of Google Earth images into KAP format?
- AusENC S-63 chart install problems.
- Plugin Links
- OS Raspberry specific RPI
- OS Linux specific
- OS Windows specific
- playback VDR from recorded file
- Projections Plugin
- Chartscale Plugin
- Status bar plugin - unable to change background colour
- How to download complete OpenCPN Manual in pdf
- Plots Plugin
- Looking for a plugin
- Autonomous Boat Simulator
- Trackpoint Plugin
- Autopilot_RM Plugin Raymarine
- What app does OpenCPN call to play sounds?
- USA West Coast Towlanes
- Fugawi Charts Plugin for OpenCPN
- oeSENC computer freeze
- Yacht Devices NMEA wifi to OpenCPN
- AusENC S63 large scale cells offset
- Import Waypoints and boundary lines in a KML file
- Rpi crashes on OpenCPN 4.8.4 charts
- Barometer History Dashboard Display
- Configuration file reset on Raspberry pi
- New OpenCPN User - Okeechobee and St Lucie Canal Charts Missing
- No access to OpenCPN android forum
- OpenCPN Android forum no access
- Charts
- free charts for opencpn?
- Duplicate WP upload
- How to calculate and display true wind from apparent wind and SOG?
- Status bar font size
- Depth Offset
- Needed: Ocpn_draw boundaries for the Caribbean Islands
- Swedish oeSENC charts to come - with our help.
- oeSENC_PPI Plugin Update Vresion 2.0.1 Released
- Basic question regarding charts.
- How to show depth soundings in Vector charts
- liboesenc_pi.so: undefined symbol: _ZTI23PlugInChartBaseExtended
- The Weather Routing stops before reaching the destination
- display position of an object with UDP conection
- Cockpit screen issue
- Irish hourly tidal current gribs
- I don't get Heading Predictor Length
- oeSENC Plugin Version 2.0 Released
- ENC CM93 shipping lane issue
- Sending Waypoints and Routes between Computers
- Waypoints question
- OpenCPN Version 4.8.4 Released
- Simrad tp32
- Nema2k and cpn
- Dim Screen with Mouse
- Which set of charts?
- AIS CPA/TCPA Alarms not sounding
- Watchdog
- OpenCPN Rpi cpu usage and temperature
- Route info to Raymarine via seatalk
- Quilting KAP files
- Depth Sounder for OpenCPN
- OpenCPN and Arduboat
- AIS alarm
- Problems with a UDP connection
- Statusbar plugin bug in L/G display
- Radar Data Access
- Presenting OCPN to the public
- Echosounder mapping own map
- Installation problems with Ethernet using Navico Radar and OpenCPN in Ubuntu
- 10Hz GPS receiver in CPN - smooth moving
- OpenGL dooes Not work
- googlearth lost
- Plugin for Victron equipment?
- Trip Log, Sum Log activate
- self calibrated charts not quiling correctly
- Navico RADAR plugin
- PyPilot
- Arduino ESP8266 stream wifi
- OpenMag
- Chart Quilting not working for me
- AIS query vs own track
- Waypoints at every track log point?
- Nmea Debug Window ability to copy
- Help! GPX File Import Not Functioning
- GE2KAP SASPlanet Charts not lining up
- Current-informed routing plugin
- u-blox 7 GPS on Rpi 3 with OpenCPN
- How long should OpenCPN take to process?
- U-Blox (7) drivers
- Bahamas/Caribbean Charts To BUY For OpenCPN
- Android gps to windows 10 OpenCPN via bluetooth
- MOB iTag like LifeTag plugin oCPN idea
- Update to 4.8.2: dashboard colors & blinking
- Anchorage Soundings
- OpenCPN 4.99 not compatible with any plugins?
- Multiple COM ports simultaneously
- AIS button + red triangle?
- Waypoints link to local file, multi platform
- Where to find charts
- OpenCPN vs Ubuntu 18.04 ( Bionic)
- Windows surface pro
- sweep plot
- Opencpn alert buzzer
- Zoom Out Problem
- ChartScaleSlider plug-in
- Active Captain Discontinued - An Opportunity?
- Using mouse to zoom in OSX
- Real-time sharing waypoints and routes on 2 devices?
- OpenCPN 4.2.8
- Errors compiling for first time
- Failure to cmake photolayer plugin...
- Need oCPN binary dependancies for Win 7 / vs2010 / wxLib 3.0.3 / oCPN 4.6.1 build...
- Fullscreen button in toolbar
- Raspberry/Openplotter...no wifi!!
- OpenCPN Waypoint Link on Android
- Plug-in activation/disabling - confused users
- Chart Manual Correction
- Drop Waypoint/Mark Button
- General Question to Raspberry OpenCPN and OpenGL
- Navico Radar PlugIn Installation menue
- MBTiles for OpenCPN
- OpenCPN 4.8.2 on Raspberry PI3 - dependencies error
- W10 build error on cairo.h
- OpenCPN Not Finding Toughbook's GPS
- OCPN manual in Dutch
- Units in Dashboard
- opencpn 4.8.2 water deep
- autopilot route plugin
- Failure to generate fingerprint with arm64 build of oesenc_pi 1.7
- Updated advice for calibrating/georeferencing raster files
- Grib files via Iridium?
- US GlobalSat BU 353 Issues?
- WA DoT charts - digital raster or vector source?
- Is it possible to send automaticcaly a mail by Claws mail 3.14.1, with Grib plugin
- new user
- Continuous Integration
- Yucatan Chart
- Portable OpenCPN 4.8.2 Workaround
- USB GPS Recommendations?
- Weirdest AIS seen!
- OCPN 4.8.2 Status bar 0.6 : Preference kills OCPN!
- OpenCPN Version 4.8.2 Released
- Dashboard Time - Correct?
- OpenCPN autopilot settings and control
- Dashboard vs XDR,MTA,MDA
- OpenCPN Release Candidate 4.8.10204
- Very choppy after activating "Navigate To This "
- Delete marina marker north of Sable Island
- OpenCPN Release Candidate 4.8.10203
- Ubuntu - install oeSENC plugin - Opencpn.org
- Weather Routing new install missing the menu
- Ethernet AIS and radar into OpenCPN
- opencpn cannot update
- ECDIS reference cards
- creating a permanent layers on Macbook pro
- No dashboard in opencpn 4.8.0???
- The Hardware Side of OpenCPn
- OpenCPN Beta Version 4.8.10129
- Help to send a waypoint or a route to a GPS or autopilot
- Raspberry pi : Debian paquet as cmake, gettex, etc ...
- One AIS SART message, many MOB waypoints.
- Prestigous OCC Award
- In regards to showing "vaarwater/waterways"
- [Raspberry] BUG - touchscreen drag back
- OpenCPN Beta Version 4.8.10125
- Weather Routing Download
- OPEN CPN Chart install.
- Missing Plug-ins
- Request for screenshots
- Interface Raymarine E80 with a77
- Opencpn plugins not installing on macbook pro
- Boat file does not exist
- Flyspray Upgrade
- Debian, Raspberypi : How to install OpenCPN 4.8 from ppa
- Weather Fax Plugin
- Autopilot Control
- C'est le bazar sur le tracker ...
- OpenCPN Beta Version 4.8.10119
- Automatic grib downloading
- Transferring Marks from one computer to another
- OpenCPN GPX -> Raymarine Axiom
- Chart Downloader German Inland ENC - Broken
- help please: rasberry pi3 and adafruit ultimate gps on openplotter???
- Raymarine radar plugin for OpenCPN
- opencpn screeen problem
- Is Flyspray Broken?
- Dave -I Need PHP max time Extended!!
- Toolbar Size 4.8.0
- Opencpn and Rudder angle
- OpenCPN Beta Version 4.8.10109
- Grib Servers??
- Open CPN newbie
- Hmm Can't reach that page...
- Processor Vulnerabilities