I'm looking for recommendations for a display for use on a 34' sailboat. I could use a
laptop securely positioned at the nav station, but that is susceptible to
water, and very un-usable at the
helm. The
laptop, even if waterproof (a Toughbook, perhaps?) would be a real hassle to keep in place and out of trouble if used directly at the
helm. Perhaps the best idea would be a laptop or very small
desktop below someplace, and a small, waterproof, touch-screen driven, display that could be mounted at the
steering station -- something kind of similar to a K-Mart check-out credit-card scanner. Yes, perhaps too small, but every time I see one of those, I keep thinking "aha!"
Has anyone done, seen, or heard of any successful
hardware installations that allow using
OpenCpn under way on a sailboat? I don't want to pay for, configure, and maintain a
chartplotter, and then configure and maintain an
OpenCPN installation that would simply serve as a "driver" for the chartplotter!
I really HATE the proprietary
chartplotter systems.