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  1. Venture Further failed download
  2. Toolbar Fonts
  3. CM93v2 chart download
  4. how to display local currents?
  5. GPS accuracy and polling rate.
  6. opencpn newbie
  7. Adding a waypoint to a route - what is going on?
  8. Shadowing OpenCPN with devices running iNavX
  9. Chart downloader and Mac OS Monterey Beta 8
  10. How can I load/enable a plugin without internet?
  11. ENC charts do not display for second user
  12. Why cannot I find Eth0 input
  13. What type of connection is better?
  14. Fonts in tool box are so small they are unreadable
  15. HALO 24 accent light
  16. OpenCPN track issues
  17. OpenCPN Connecting vessel's instruments
  18. Install opencpn linux into android tablet
  19. OpenCPN Beta Version 5.5.928 Released
  20. Multiple .000 files for same chart?
  21. OpenCPN 5.2.4 Display Category greyed out
  22. First time build on Windows
  23. Interoperability between OpenCPN(s) & Devices
  24. Simrad Halo 20 and OpenCPN controls
  25. OpenCPN crashes when receiving certain NMEA messages
  26. Know which charts to download
  27. AIS equipped VHF output direct to raspberry pi GPIO
  28. OpenCPN on Dell Latitude 7220
  29. OpenCPN Version 5.5.x Beta Test Starts
  30. AIS alert to trigger GPIO or script
  31. Route Properties ETA Present Time and Speed
  32. OpenCPN "The ENC permit for this cell has expired"
  33. Power draw Android tablet Vs. Windows Tablet
  34. Radar
  35. AIVDM, AIVDO and Own Ship GPS data
  36. NMEA 0183 Data Display tools Windows/Android
  37. OpenCPN Charts requirements
  38. Ais alarms repeatedly in big seas
  39. Engine Data dashboard for windows and Android
  40. Problem: ShipDriver plugin –*Sail option
  41. undo an upgrade
  42. Celestial Navigation plugin won't work on Mac
  43. Track Playback
  44. Challenges with the Dashboard plugin
  45. Saving Route Style Options
  46. OCPN Draw Toolbar Problem
  47. where to download earlier versions
  48. open CPN sog cog fonts
  49. opencpn 5.2.4 crashes on startup
  50. Severe tidal offset?
  51. Not tablet friendly ...
  52. cpn wont save
  53. OpenCpn Zoom Crash
  54. tactics and SignalK
  55. Chart storage on RPI
  56. Plugin Manager - Titles & Icons do not show up
  57. Lost AIS
  58. Back up Log File
  59. Android opencpn and AIS on phone
  60. lost Simrad Halo radar....how to verify?
  61. Windows Tablets for OpenCPN
  62. MBTile overlaps... OpenCPN choosing wrong zoom?
  63. GPS-mouse once again
  64. New User Help With GPS
  65. Signalk login help
  66. Plotting an intercept course
  67. Hotkey to add different color waypoints
  68. Phantom Boat display from AIS
  69. Opencpn active route display
  70. Not reading all sentences for autopilot
  71. Routes and Mark Duplication
  72. New installation - Cannot load basic charts
  73. Dell XPS
  74. Using Memory Map QCT charts in OpenCPN ?
  75. NMEA depth sounder
  76. Monitor touch screen recommendations for openplotter?
  77. View jumps back to small scale
  78. Starting with a Blank Slate
  79. Not all purchased AusEnc maps displaying
  80. RPi and OpenCPN - Multiplexer required?
  81. Detail level of OESENC charts in croatia
  82. Light support for Halo 20+
  83. Help with getting position input
  84. Opencpn buggy, crashes, deletes columns
  85. Compiling OpenCPN Source Code
  86. Why does OpenCPN want me to sail over the mtn? - only half joking
  87. OpenCPN active route to NMEA?
  88. Android oeSENC Plugin Error 27
  89. Open CPN and CM93 charts on Harwei Y6 phone.
  90. MacBook Air M1 chip OS Big Sur Ver 11.5.1
  91. Error when Create Chart in SAT2Chart
  92. How to measure in feet,not meters.
  93. OpenCPN Chart For Inland Lake
  94. OpenCPN AIS target list disappeared
  95. OpenCPN and Mac Crashes - GSHHG Basemaps
  96. lost osEnc charts ...
  97. Charts Kara sea: source?
  98. Make your own charts
  99. NV-Chart Old Plugins
  100. OpenCPN Linux TouchScreen
  101. map offset
  102. Portable OpenCPN Guide
  103. OpenCPN - Search AIS targets
  104. unstable heading reading
  105. Charts are horrible quality in OpenCPN vs Browser
  106. Simultaneous work with two GRIB files
  107. No AIS targets
  108. Waypoint icons and chart object scale
  109. Chart downloader NZ raster
  110. Charts not scrolling fwd when route making
  111. Change Colors of COG and Heading lines in OpenCPN
  112. EDITOR NEEDED for Plugins
  113. no toolbar
  114. Toolbar problem
  115. Can't get position using EM-Trak B953
  116. GPS Coordinate search
  117. Configuration of Navilock GPS with U-Blox 8
  118. wifi connection issue
  119. wxWidgets Debug Alert
  120. Grib in OpenCPN5.2.4 working abnormally
  121. High CPU usage - u-blox virtual COM port
  122. Plug-in API help
  123. openCPN UK Tidal Streams and Charts
  124. problem with glonass gps configuration under openplotter
  125. OpenCPN palette colors messed up
  126. Standard 100 for electronic charts.
  127. Locking Marks
  128. Route VMG/ETA damping?
  129. Missing s-63 cells
  130. GPS Puck for Linux Mint 18.3
  131. Question on Garmin Radar -> OpenCPN
  132. WeatherFax HF schedules missing
  133. Screen offset
  134. Enable Touchscreen interface
  135. Couple of OpenCPN Problems
  136. Latest on multi-touch screen Openplotter/pi?
  137. OpenCPN not connecting to vcharts
  138. OpenCPN not connecting to vcharts
  139. How to improve chart details?
  140. AIS problem via network connection
  141. New Zealand Charts used by OpenCPN to be Withdrawn
  142. oeserverd.exe can not start
  143. Moitessier HAT and PiCAN-M HAT together?
  144. Location of route data
  145. Plugins with Debian 11 Bullseye
  146. Open CPNon Mac, 10.10, Failure to launch
  147. Unstable gps signal.
  148. Raspberry Pi & GPSMap 8610
  149. GPS to n2k
  150. read and use signalK data
  151. OpenCPN on Pi or Nuc-style computer for nav station
  152. Navtex Plugin
  153. Active route dashboard show no infomation
  154. Problem connection GPS
  155. TCP/IP addresses to use
  156. OpenCpn
  157. OpenCPN to display LIDAR based SLAM for autonomous Navigation
  158. Issues with Android oeSENC plugin
  159. Tidal data and course to steer
  160. Receiving AIS positions from home
  161. Deleted stale lock file?
  162. Open CPN Duplicate Waypoints
  163. OpenGL replacement
  164. AIS buddies in differnt Color or Icon
  165. ToughPad FZ-G1, can't figure out how to use GPS
  166. OpenCPN 4.8.0 - No heading line shown on ship icon
  167. Display Issues - Lines in Screen
  168. Where to get charts for the Philippines/Thailand
  169. No GPS status even with navigation.gnss.satellitesInView message
  170. flatpak uri for opencpn
  171. Pricken and oeSenc charts
  172. harmonics data for current off by 1.5hours for my spot
  173. Chart orientation switching
  174. Can't View Radar
  175. Download fails for some charts
  176. GPS drivers not on Globalsat website
  177. including existing WP into existing Route
  178. Templates to save current config in display
  179. Can’t see aircrafts
  180. OpenCPN grib file requests - no answer
  181. OpenCPN HW and SW prerequisites
  182. OpenCPN 5.2.6 for Android ( Dave Register)
  183. inbuilt gps on windows laptop
  184. How to view tide and current detail with touch screen
  185. Version 5.2 no menu bar ?
  186. Is this an OpenCPN bug ?
  187. Can't see S63 charts in Open CPN 5.2.4
  188. Lost Dual Pane Canvas Layout
  189. Radar plugin 5.2.1 released
  190. C'an install oeSENC plugin on Opencpn 5.2.4 under MacOS Big Sur
  191. Cannot find the oeserverd utility at {}
  192. Multiple AIS Feeds in Opencpn
  193. Beta 5.5.0 crashes for macOS CoreDuo machines
  194. Can't install 5.2.4
  195. Off Topic: Oil spill robotics Tidewise
  196. Use of k-charts possible?
  197. NMEA0183 HDM, IIHDM, PCHDM and dashboard_tactics
  198. Issue with arrival radius
  199. Satellite image overlay
  200. Display Freeze in Version 5
  201. Tactics Plugin -- Output Calibrated TWA and TWS to 0183?
  202. Help with changed chart display
  203. Partial display of S-63 maps
  204. wxWidgets
  205. Weatherfax and SDR
  206. OpenCpn v4.1.1028 Android not showing Raster charts
  207. Boat Icon 100 degrees off
  208. AIS Signal Problems
  209. opencpn.org offline
  210. Multiple GPS with different offsets
  211. Depth Sounder with NMEA 0183 output
  212. Polar for Lagoon 440 help
  213. Opencpn SeaTalkng Networking
  214. BBN Marine OS for raspberry pi now released as Stable
  215. Setting up OpenCPN, rookie with an issue.
  216. Need some OpenCPN bespoke software
  217. VDR Log file
  218. Beacon/buoy sizes : Chart Colours ??
  219. Fault when installing cards
  220. Fragmented NMEA Messages - u-blox 8/m8
  221. Missing Toolbar
  222. OpenCPN for Android 5.2.2 Bug?
  223. C-Map from sasplanet depth
  224. Edit chart information
  225. OpenCPN Crash when accepting oeSenc EULA
  226. OpenCPN 5.2.4 and OeSENC compatibility
  227. AIS Targets not displaying, not showing on target list
  228. camera on raspberry pi
  229. Marine OS for pi featuring OpenCPN and more reached release candidate 3
  230. Route Planning Questions
  231. How to add your Tide leveled post to CPN?
  232. Plugins not installing on RPi set up
  233. SeaTalk2 ST290 series instruments
  234. Free maps for the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas?
  235. Using Open Plotter and CPN In Stages
  236. ppa problems
  237. Problems with OpenGL and Radar_Pi 5.1.4 on Win 10 - Ocpn 5.2.4
  238. Elecrow touchscreen
  239. wachdog sleep?
  240. BSB file format specification?
  241. Chart probs
  242. Error accessing User Manual
  243. No "Update All" button on Raspberry Pi?
  244. Route Display Options
  245. Occasional oeSENC display error
  246. OpenCPN/pypilot newbie
  247. Latest Android version for smartphones.
  248. can't download charts
  249. Raspberry Pi as an AIS Transponder
  250. connecting opencpn.org