git cloned weatherfax_pi, built debug and release versions,
tried release version and it seemed to
work, but there is still a transparency problem or
interference anomyly when the fax is opened and then when you go into edit.
The fax does show on the chart which is an improvement over previous version, where it bombed with wx errors etc.
I note the changes to layout to increase area of fax in progress. Looks good.
Click on capture message "Failed to set up stuff. Works only on linux"
Work in progress.
Transparency sliders & invert seem to work
Tried Polar
1. Colored Coordinate Lines work nicely need to give blow by blow description for user or they won't know how to do it.
A. Pick Get Mapping
B. Select vertical meridian toward pole, on a latitude.
C. Select latitude away from pole.
D. Set coordinates
E. Apply - Maybe moves over to be an action like "Finish"? Then Finish
I get an error checking saying "Resulting image has negative dimensions abborting, which is nice checking, because my coords are not right. Cant seem to get it to take and redraww on chart. Maybe have an option to "Force this" so user can see what is happening so he can change it.
Stilll would likke a magnifier if possible.
Like the checks in Weatherfax window for on and off, nice.
Have to mess with this more later.