Mercator, with OpenGL, Maritius mercator
(Hint: on images, hoover over image and see the title of the image which helps explain. -Also above.)
First set coords
with Upper Red coords set on lower right corner (because that is towards south pole?)
and Lower Blue coords set on upper left corner.
Entered coords as I thought they should be and Finished.
Image was stretched.
Then reversed the Coords
Upper Red coords set on upper left
Lower Blue coords set on lower right
Also changed the lat/longs.
Finished and still stretched.
Then reversed the longitudes and Finished.
The image was not stretched, but I am not sure if it was in the correct location.
When working with southern mercators it is confusing.
How do we apply the tools to get it right?
I would like to have some color on the right menu
(Coord #1 Values on top - Red)
(Coord #2 Values on bot - Blue)
Okay I made a stupid error. EAST is PLUS!
See the last screenshot
Maybe have some reminder, or is this too rudimentary?
East of Greenwich is +
West of Greenwich is -
North of Equator is +
South of Equator is -
Mercator projections can we pick
Coord 1=red = upper left
Coord 2=blue= lower right
for both North and South Hemispheres?
Looks like yes. Maybe we should say so?