The response from NVDC as follows:
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: Clarification of 5-Year USCG COD
Dear Mr. Abbott,
As a vessel owner, you are aware, the expiration date for the COD is on the front left corner and for the INDRA, ON 600692, expires March 31, 2024. All law enforcement personnel are educated and trained on our documents and should there be a question, the NVDC will be engaged to make a determination of validity. If you explore our website, you will see under Latest News that we have information regarding the multi-year renewal.
The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, signed into law Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018 includes a provision which allows recreational Certificate of Documentation (COD) holders the ability to select a multi-year document (1-5 years) during an implementation period designated as January 1, 2019-December 31, 2021, after which a five-year document (recreational vessels only) will become automatic. Establishing a change of this proportion is a complex request that cannot be performed instantaneously. It requires multiple changes in all areas of work to including the computer system, forms,
regulations, and other requirements. Most of these changes have not been made because of lack of
funding, working with other Agencies or complications to the computer programming required. We
also have approximately a 3 year supply of forms and we have made the decision to continue to use in order to use taxpayer
money wisely, and the one year requirement still applies to all
commercial vessels. Most of the changes required to execute this are still outstanding and are being addressed during the implementation period outlined above.
This is a recreational vessel, carrying no passengers, engaging in no
trade. You should experience no complications on this
minor annoyance as long as you follow the laws in your area. The Coast Guard and local law enforcement agencies, including state, are well versed in our laws and
regulations (46 CFR 67) and knowing what to look for on the COD. As I said before, the NVDC is the authority should any questions of the validity of the COD arise.
Please be assured your COD is valid until March 31, 2024, as long as there are no changes regarding the vessel, name tonnage, dimensions,
ownership, hailing port, restrictions, entitlements, remarks and endorsements. Address changes must be reported to the NVDC immediately. Although you will not be required to certify to that fact on an annual basis for renewal, you are still bound to that requirement to insure your COD remains valid. The informational paragraphs on the back of the COD are
not a barrier to the validity nor contain information regarding the specifics of the vessel.
Laura C. Campbell
Chief, Data Management & Administration Division
National Vessel Documentation Center
U.S. Coast Guard
Department of Homeland Security
Phone: 304-271-2400
Fax: 304-271-2405
Our guidance/advice is predicated only upon the information as submitted. If that information proves imprecise or incorrect or changes materially, our guidance/advice may change. We provide definitive guidance relative to vessel documentation only upon the presentation of materials in accordance with the regulations found in 46 CFR Subpart 67.
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Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: Clarification of 5-Year USCG COD
Importance: High
FYI, Sir/Ma’am
When reviewing the reverse side of our new 5-year USCG COD, noticed something a little strange in the "fine print. It states, "
This certificate is valid for one year." While the USCG COD is a
legal document and I'm no lawyer, wonder which statement takes
legal precedent, the front side which has dates indicating valid for 5 years or the reverse side which states it valid for one year?
Is there any official statement or clarification on this discrepancy?
Joe Abbott
SV Indra COD 600692