Hello wonderful people,
thanks for such a great board. I have been lurking about in the shadows for some time enjoying reading all the wonderful input,
learning so much. I am new to the board and relatively new to sailing
( nice to be new at something , lately I am feelin' a wee bit old) ...first
boat was a lovely old Hartley TS16. I think it took me about three minutes to be totally hooked on sailing. A few spins around the bay later; my other half gave in to my dream , bless him, and we bought a 10.4 (34ft) Boro Temptress ,
steel hull. We have named her
Anarchy . I realise that there is a bit of voodoo attached to changing a boat's name... Interested to hear your thoughts about that.
She is currently
on the hard looking very bare . We have gutted her
interior ( surveyor says he cant wait to see it to do a hull inspection because we have made his job easier ) and we are now in the process of refitting her with newer bits as we can afford it. I hope the 'doing' stays as much fun as the planning has been.
Starting to think its that B.O.A.T really does mean 'break open another thousand'.
I spent a lovely hour or two yesterday 'boat dreaming' looking at the thread ' what was your ephiphany?' . It made a nice break from
cleaning the
hull interior. When I get a moment I will be adding to that thread too.
I will also be asking lots of questions especially about the Vetus
diesel in an apporopraite thread . I intend to get very well aquainted with it, and right now its in a few pieces waiting to be put back together.
Once again thanks for the forum , we have lots and lots to learn before we set sail,
( including how to sail well enough to stay safe and 'dryish') they say a thousand mile journey starts with the first step, does that mean a life of cruising starts with your first knock down? Just kidding, its nice to know that there is such a wealth of information, experience and friendly people at the click of a mouse button.
I look forward to meeting some of you when we do finally set sail to
parts unknown, in the meantime I look forward to reading your thoughts.