Hello and thankyou for the forum.
I have enjoyed spending time browsing and reading the fun bits as well as the more serious side of sailing.
I hope to be able to contribute in some small way and perhaps even add a story or two as well.
My wife and I have finaly bought our
boat. A 34ft
steel Boro Temptress. Its on a
cradle at home, here in Ballarat
Australia. We have stripped it out completly and are hoping to
refit and get her into the
water this summer. We have a
mooring at the Western Beach
Boat club in Geelong
Australia and for a time we will call that home.
kids have all grown and are independant so ITS OUR TIME... YIPPEE.
Time to let go of the house and the past and sail into the future. We may even catch up with some of you when we venture out. At least I hope so.
My wife and best friend, Watergypsy (who is also a
newbie to the forum) was the instigator for this sailing venture and I thought at first that she joking. I was honestly taken aback because the thought of sailing had never crossed my mind.
In fact, when I realised she was serious, I felt a sense of panic. What did we know about sailing? I had fished a bit and have a small tinny that I take out to Corio Bay. And I had experienced many a freakout with the conditions turning horrible, being lucky to get back to shore. In fact when I knew she was serious I organised a Saturday afternoon sail on a 40ft yacht with a friend to see how we would fare. It did nothing for me except FREAK ME OUT even more. The seas were rough and the boat was tossed. My role on this occasion was balast. Shift from port to starboard and hang my legs over the side. I was glad to get off.
I was under dressed, wet and miserable. I came home and said sorry, but I just cant do it. Lets get a bus.
It wasnt until she persisted and gently coaxed me to try again that we bought a
trailer sailer. A Hartley TS16 that we refurbished. We had some fun and scary times with that little boat but she succeeded. I'm hooked. I cant go a day without thinking about where we can go and how our boat will sail after a
refit and the minor alterations we are making. I have to focus on finishing the house to put it up
for sale and its hard not to get distracted with the boat. Even now, I'm talking
boats on this forum. I should be painting or finishing off the bathroom. Perhaps I should ask the forum for advise as to how to stay focused.
I will be seeking advise and suggestions on matters relating to the fitout when the time comes and when I have gained enough experience I may even venture to put forward my views when I feel confident enough.
Nice to meet you all and regards