FWIW: I generally spent 50 minutes in post production for every 1 minute of posted video footage. In the beginning, I had one
camera and took 2 minutes of video for every one minute of posted video.
Now I have 6 cameras with two more coming soon. I now spend 70 minutes for every one minute of posted video, and compile 45+ minutes of footage for every one minute posted. It is rare that only one
camera runs, as I consider three angles to be best.
Whereas it was just me in the beginning, now the entire
family is part of filming and production, which is needed as we now produce for three channels. Plus I have two relatives stateside that assist with raw
storage and uploads.
I have two 8TB hard drives, twenty USB thumb drives, and dozens of micro-SD cards. When the drives and cards are full of raw video, they are sent to
storage and replaced. Nothing gets deleted. Everything is backed up at least three ways.
When I started all of this, I thought it was going to be a low cost affair. I do not know how much the successful vloggers spend, but if it is anything like me, it is a large chunk of
money. My
current videos are not sailing related, but we have now amassed almost a year's worth of raw sail life footage. Post production will begin this summer.
Making well produced videos is real, actual
work. Yes, maybe it is done in tropical locations, and yes it can be done at any hour any day, but just like changing
oil on your
engine, scraping the
hull, or mending a sail. It is
I make videos because I like doing it. If it turns into
money, that is a nice bonus. Some do it directly for money, some do not but still make money.