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My Favorite CF Forum Tip: Use the Google Custom Search Function
I know that most people who are new to this forum might try the ordinary search function of the forum when they have a question in mind. Unfortunately that always yielded few resultsi for me when I tried that when I first joined this forum. In contrast, a standard
Google search outside of the forum can produce a bewildering list of links too. It was only later that I learned to quickly and easily find great links to archived or previous threads on a topic.
I only use the Google Custom Search field on this forum when searching this forum, and I find all the answers I need here too using that.
I find it superior to an ordinary search using the standard "search" field and usually get the answers I want very quickly. So, it is my "number one tip" to newer forum members.

Note! The Google Custom Search field is found under the "Search" menu seen at the top of your browser window when you are in the CF forum on any page. However, it is NOT shown as an option if you are viewing the Forum site using the CF Mobile app. Use a browser like Safari instead.