I look at it this way, yes it's probably nonsense, but what if it ain't?
Besides, a good excuse for a party.
I believe to a great extent you make your own luck, and if you believe something is un-lucky, it probably will be
Did the same on my two boats but then I'm not comfortable with parties. Peace and solitude is my mantra.
Sent from my iPhone using Cruisers Sailing Forum
Yep...scrapped and cleaned the old name off my boat...put the vinyl name on and launched it two days later. Rather spend the time and save the money i would have spent on a party and go buy something new for the boat
Sent from my SM-T320 using Cruisers Sailing Forum mobile app
Yep...scrapped and cleaned the old name off my boat...put the vinyl name on and launched it two days later. Rather spend the time and save the money i would have spent on a party and go buy something new for the boat
Sent from my SM-T320 using Cruisers Sailing Forum mobile app
Yep...scrapped and cleaned the old name off my boat...put the vinyl name on and launched it two days later. Rather spend the time and save the money i would have spent on a party and go buy something new for the boat
Sent from my SM-T320 using Cruisers Sailing Forum mobile app
Man some of you guys are no fun. Parties and "believing" in superstition is half the excitement. Same as, I dont really believe in those ghost hunter shows but I have fun creeping myself out watching them after a few beverages.
-Si Vis Pacem Parabellum
-Molon Labe
I'm not superstitious, but I go with the renaming celebration. Hell - you've got nothing to lose by doing it and as others have noted - a good excuse to throw a party
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