I had OpenCPN running satisfactorily over the weekend on my my pi using the latest Debian image
I intend putting up a web page that describes the process, but that will be a few weeks away due to other commitments, however, in a nutshell:
- I had to tweak some of the OpenCPN code and recompile it (see
http://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/...ml#post1012681 )
- opencpn.conf MEMCacheLimit=30 NCacheLimit=10
- doesn't
work with NOAA
ENC charts
- overclocking set to medium (no/minimum overvoltage) was perfectly adequate
- changed the vector chart settings to Mariners standard because of some hiccups zooming out in standard mode (water showing green)
- no problems with chart quilting; I was using vector
charts and
Antares raster charts
- 'make package' creates a .deb, but it won't install and complains about the wrong architecture. I suspect it's because there's a line in the makefile that renames arm to armel, but this version of debian is armhf... I'm using 'make install', so it's not a high priority for me.
- I initially had a lot of trouble getting a
GPS to talk to the Pi:
1.) the USB/Serial converter I was using was old and not supported; a newer
cheap Chinese one from eBay sorted that out. (/dev/ttyUSB0 in OpenCPN)
2.) I also tried a GPIO serial/TTL converter. That worked as well (/dev/ttyAMA0 in OpenCPN)
3) I wasted a lot of time trying to get a
Garmin eTrex to talk to the Pi.... until I discovered the eTrex only outputs
NMEA at 4800baud but the Pi supports >= 9600.
4) I am using an old
Garmin GPS48 with
NMEA at 9600 baud and it's perfect via the serial/USB converter.
5) In future I'll probably use the GPIO connecter which frees up a USB port for a
wifi dongle; the Pi doesn't seem to like multiple devices on USB hubs
I only encountered one problem with the system .. I don't recommend using a wireless mouse ... slide, bump, splash ... 'nuff said.