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NahanniV NahanniV is offline

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  1. akopac
    I found a solution for winlink email on the raspberry pi and it's pretty good. It's called PiGate and you can find it on It works on a pactor modem or x-tnc or Sound card as far s I can see. The author is Mark Griffith and he was able to put it on a openplotter image. He's working on making it work with Saildocs similar to Airmail. You can contact him through the site and he is very responsive. He's looking for thoughts on functionality for it. Contact him and make him aware I'm not the only one looking for this functionality. :-)
  2. akopac
    Did you ever get a winlink2k solution on the RPI?
  3. akopac
    Hi It's Andy Kopac. I am a lic. Ham but not a Ham high priest by all measures. I did a ton of searching for a solution for the holy grail for getting winlink to work on the RPI with Raspbian. You mentioned paclink but it will become obsolete when winlink requires a password login because it does not support it. BPQ is used currently by Ham operators with Winlink. I ran across this guy - Joe, AG6QO. I spoke with him once on the phone. He knows exactly how to make BPQ work with winlink and a email client on a rpi and has done it for his own setup and he is using a RPI2 and a Pactor 2 modem!!!. You got his instructions I sent you in my posting. If you google:Joe AG6QO bpq rpi winlink you will find him.
  4. Douwe Fokkema
    Can you get me the opencpn.conf file that was used when the crashes with the new radar software occurred? And just to be complete, also the full VDR file. Mail to df"at"
    Greetings, Douwe
  5. Rmithe
    Hi, at one time you had Datamarine Instruments for sale, do you still have this?

About Me

  • About NahanniV
    Vessel Make/ model
    Wharram Tiki 46
    Vessel Name
    Nahanni V
    Nova Scotia Canada
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  • Last Activity: 02-11-2024 17:49
  • Join Date: 08-03-2011
  • Referrals: 0


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