family of schooner Nina update today nz 14 june.
My mate informed nz maritime search
rescue this morning with concerns they are onto it they have contacted Australian search
rescue asking for any info that comes in he inturn will keep my posted as we know crew onboard.They where hove to on the 4th for bad
weather still in our search area after front went through it became very calm hardly no
wind,taking this they would only mybe get to
Sydney Australia today the 14th allowing for her speed.They put a new
motor in before she left which they only tested for about half an hour not long in our
books so mybe they have had a problem in this regard also and as no
wind they would have needed to
motor.We have had no further news today our time now is 20 05hrs or 8 05pm nz time.
May I suggest you call Australian Maritime search direct by
phone they are very good as our guys are here if you remain concerned,US Coast guard would give you a contact
phone im sure.
If anybody knows who the person is who posted org post mybe they could draw their attention to this post we can only try and help we are just cruisers.