Hi there, this is a local Canary Island sailor, who wants to share his experience throughout the Canaries ( 35.000 miles) with all of you. Thank you and fair winds.
Would love to hear more about the Canaries. Maybe one day I'll get to visit.
The water is always bluer on the other side of the ocean.
Sometimes it's necessary to state the obvious for the benefit of the oblivious.
Rust is the poor man's Loctite.
You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...
Would love to hear more about the Canaries. Maybe one day I'll get to visit.
Hi skipmac, I can see we are about feeling the same: water sailing">blue water sailing. And that is the thing, around the Canaries you can experience almost any weather conditions you might find anywhere else. We´ll keep in contact, bye