Got 4JH57, on break-in it just stopped and would not restart. Installer replaced filter and it ran after putting vacuum on return line till no bubbles in fuel. This has happened 3 more times and have bought vacuum gauge to pull clean fuel out when it happens. Thing just stops, running for no apparent reason. Has anyone else had this problem? I?s there a fix
Are the filters getting clogged? If not you have an air leak in the fuel system that you'll need to track down.
You could run a hose from a Jerry jug to the input of the fuel filter. This will let you figure out if the problem is located in front of or behind the filter
It almost has to be fuel.
I had the same problem with an unusual cause. The filler cap chain had dropped into the fuel tank and we think would get sucked up into the intake.
If you do not have an air leak (more probable) then inspect your fuel tank.
If you have two fuel tanks switch to the other to see if your problem continues.
Let us know what you find!!
I would be tempted to temporarily install a clear section of fuel line and look for bubbles.
Some common rails suffer from what is called loss of prime where they won't start after sitting, or start and run for a few seconds and quit caused by fuel draining back, but yours is dieing in cruise?
Then you have to reprime to get her going again? Gotta be air, I hope