what is the difference between the yanmarmarine diesels for powerboats and the engines for sailboats? the major differene i see is that the power engines have more hp then the sailboat engines. can you put a sailboat engine in a small powerboat that only needs a 30hp diesel? are sailboat engines from yanmar made to run as long as the powerboat engines?
what is the difference between the yanmar marine diesels for powerboats and the engines for sailboats? the major differene i see is that the power engines have more hp then the sailboat engines. can you put a sailboat engine in a small powerboat that only needs a 30hp diesel? are sailboat engines from yanmar made to run as long as the powerboat engines?
There are lots of Yanmar "sailboat engines" installed in power boats. There is nothing specific to sail or power in an engine. If you need 30 hp engine for your powerboat, then buy a 30 hp Yanmar.
FWIW the small, normally asipirated Yanmar diesels last a lot longer, often 10,000 hours or more without major work, than the high horsepower, turbocharged, seawater aftercooled "power boat" engines.
i am just running numbers and practicing and just messing around with numbers boatswater line GPH and all that good stuff.
so pretty much the only reason they are labeled "sailboat" engines is because they are not 150hp+ turboed and all the good stuff that a lot of power boaters use?