Beneteau's are nice boats. The whole "blue water" stamp is very subjective. A lot of people probably wouldn't say that L&L Pardey's 28 footer is a "bluewater"
boat at first glance, simply because of the size. I'm just saying that I'd take that expression with a grain of
salt. Ask people to back it up with exactly what evidence they're using to make that distinction. Also, "fast" & "blue water" tend to be exclusive. Fast boats have little keels, light
displacement, and a big sail plan. A "blue water"
boat would tend to have a longer
keel, the option to have a very reduced sail area (like a cutter), and be much heavier.
If you have the
money, check out pacific sea craft or valiant. Not sure the pricing on those, bud a valiant is one of the few boats I'd consider upgrading to.