Its just one of those things......We have lots of strange ways. For example the pronounciation of Oz tray leea is more like Horse trail leea. We in summer (no make that all year round) put on our feet what other countries put between their bum cheeks. What the Americans sit on is "the map of Tasmania" in "Stryne". We have a day off for a horse
race and have managed to sell off overseas every uniquely and loved Australian brand. We still dont get that the rest of the world thinks that vegimite tastes like crap. We have a population of 20 million and are absolutely convinced that the rest of the world actualy cares what we think. And yes Kangaroos really do hop down the main street.....really !!
ps Most Australians that make a bucket load of
money ( like Paul Hogan ) go and live overseas, where as heaps of overseas born rich come and live here....