Originally Posted by bdbcat
Hello all active Mac users!
As part of the development process going forward, I have some questions for active OpenCPN users on Mac. Any detailed input/discussion would be greatly appreciated
0. What Mac hardware are you mostly using? Is it a "hand-me-down" for the boat, or your main Mac machine?
1. What version of MacOS are you running?
2. What version of OpenPCN are you running?
3. Is it your personal practice to upgrade MacOS version when updates are offered from Apple?
4. Is it your practice to try to run the latest MacOS version compatible with your particular hardware?
I am not a Mac-guy myself, regularly. So this input will be very useful to me, and the other devs.
On my last boat I had a Mac Mini mid-2012 that was maxed out with ram and SSDs. I still have and use it, but it reached its upgrade limit with
Catalina. A MacBook Pro of the same vintage was my
laptop that I used remotely for planning, on
deck, etc., but the mini was the permanent install.
I now have a new M2 MacBook Air and I love it. It has a 1T SSD and runs OCPN much faster (screen redraws, etc). So for my next boat, I'll upgrade to a new M2 mini, keeping the technology roughly the same. I'll have the most
current version of OSX on both and the most
current version of OCPN, also. If
history repeats itself, I will use both of those until they are no longer viable with upgrades and then look at replacing. With the old ones, I was stuck on Catalina for two or three upgrades cycles before I made the jump to a new machine.
I've used OCPN exclusively as my primary
navigation software for years now. I've done some testing through this forum and even very minor programming. I wish I could actually code so I could be more helpful to the community, but OCPN is the BEST thing I've found for the Mac in years.