01-11-2009, 16:51
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Originally Posted by dacust
In this thread, someone says that SeaClear was the first navigation package they found that will work with "Outside of US" operating systems. I think they mean an OS set up with the date formatted to DDMMYYYY inteaed of YYMMDD, and numbers with a comma for the decimal point.
So, does that make sense, and if so, does OpenCPN handle this OK?
Anybody that knows the answer, feel free to post it in the other thread as well as this one.
see my reply in the other thread...
OpenCPN works fine on a swedish computer using swedish date settings and . as decimal point.
01-11-2009, 17:56
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Originally Posted by cagney
There was a problem with "." vs "," that "Fulup" suggested a patch for in the monster thread. Dave was quick to accept this into the code.
Never heard of a problem with the date format, not sure were that would apply to OCPN. I'm sure that if there was a problem we would know about it with the present worldwide user base.
That's what I figured, but being a US user, I figured a reply from someone else would be a little more authoritative. Someone replied.
I know on the platform I work on, although the application code may store it in a particular format, in the OS, the date is always stored the same. The date format setting is for display purposes only.
03-11-2009, 11:58
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Installing OpenCPN on Red Hat Fedora 11
I just installed OpenCPN on a clean install of Fedora 11 on my Eeepc 901.
After downloading and unzipping the .tar.gz source package I moved to the opencpn directory and typed. As expected there was quite a few packages missing, but the quick and dirty plan was to let "configure" tell me.
1. No compiler!! I fired up the package manager found and marked the gcc c++ package. When trying to install, it insisted on a lot of dependencies.
2. Next try with ./configure saw complaints about no libGLU. Found and installed this package with dependencies.
3. Next round complained about no wxWidgets. I tried with the graphical package manager, and installed GL support for wx, but somehow wxwidgets itself was not installed as a dependency. So on to the commandline
yum install wxGTK wxGTK-devel
which of course led to a bunch of dependencies as well.
After this it was plain sailing
#make install
Note that I had to become root for the last command, the installation. Sudo don't work here as users don't by default belongs to the sudo-users-group, as is the case on Ubuntu.
I found OpenCPN in the main menu in category "Other".
Clicking the icon started the program without any problem.
Running "opencpn" from the command line resulted in a couple of warning messages, probably originating from a reported X-bug, but this did not affect OpenCPN
I'll try an existing rpm package (see earlier post) later on.
07-11-2009, 08:13
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Thanks for the howto. I would recommend changing 1 thing(if you are not debugging):
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=native" ./configure
make install
07-11-2009, 14:59
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I would be happy to be a Mac Tester. I've been trying to install on 1.6 Snow Leopard this morning. I would greatly appreciate any insight in compiling wxMac-2.8.10 with the latest release 1.3.4. I followed the readme, but It looks like it may not account for OS X 10.6.
07-11-2009, 19:26
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I am not up on the varieties of OS X at all, and I don't have a Mac for reference.
However, this seems like a good time to try to build a "howto" for Mac, step by step.
So, let's look at this like a generic linux build.
Is there any way to get precompiled binaries of wxWidgets in any flavor for the Mac? If yes, good. But I think not.
If no...
We need to compile wxWidgets (wxMac) for OS X, and then compile and test the wxMac generic sample app. After that opencpn will be easy.
Any luck with wxMac compilation so far? Any configure or compile logs to share?
Between me, Manimaul, Cagney, and other linux folks out there we may be able to help make some progress on this, however slow. It will be good to get the Mac build up to speed.
Thanks, and welcome aboard.
09-11-2009, 02:19
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Thanks for the welcome and quick response Dave, here is what I've tried so far.
I have successfully compiled wxMac 2.8.10 on OS X 10.6 using the following:
arch_flags="-arch i386"
sudo ../configure CFLAGS="$arch_flags" CXXFLAGS="$arch_flags" LDFLAGS="$arch_flags" OBJCFLAGS="$arch_flags" OBJCXXFLAGS="$arch_flags" --with-opengl
I moved the libs to the root of the OpenCPN build directory, then tried: sudo ./configure, then sudo make with the following:
src/chart1.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool MyApp::OnInit()’:
src/chart1.cpp:900: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘wxChar’
src/chart1.cpp:900: error: initializing argument 1 of ‘wxString& wxString::Append(wxChar, size_t)’
src/chart1.cpp: In function ‘wxArrayString* EnumerateSerialPorts()’:
src/chart1.cpp:4843: error: ‘LpaPortNames’ was not declared in this scope
src/bitmaps/opencpn.xpm: At global scope:
src/bitmaps/opencpn.xpm:2: warning: ‘opencpn’ defined but not used
make: *** [chart1.o] Error 1
Marks-Mac-Pro  pencpn-1.3.4 mbnelson$
I also posted the config.log at: http://www.navsoftware.com/media/documents/config.log
15-11-2009, 06:03
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Making OpenCPN1.3.4 on a Vista32bits platform with OpenWatcom1.8
Hi, everybody
I'm a new (happy !) user of OpenCPN. I appreciate and thank you for all this work. As i would like to localize OpenCPN and work around the CM93-2 and S57 data formats, i wonder if it's possible for me to make OpenCPN.
Trying to make OpenCPN 1.3.4 on a Vista32bits platform using the README file and OpenWatcom 1.8, i couldn't succeed.
I did the following :
1) Install wxWidgets 2.8.10 : I made a "no_Unicode / no_monolithic / lib" version.
2) Change parameters into makefile.wat :
around line 10: APPDIR = "D:\Logiciels\_Chart Viewers\OpenCPN\opencpn-1.3.4\_install"
around line 26: USE_GLU_TESS = 0
around line 50: WX_BASE = C:\wxWidgets281
around line 69: MONOLITHIC = 0
3) Clean-up and make. I got one error into chart1.cpp :
.\src\chart1.cpp(681): Error! E029: col(35) symbol 'MyUnhandledExceptionFilter' has not been declared
4) Change other parameters into makefile.wat :
around line 94: CPPFLAGS = -d__MSVC__
around line 104: CPPFLAGS = -dNDEBUG -d__MSVC__
5) Clean-up and make. Result was one error into tri.c :
.\src\tri.c(4338): Error! E006: col(7) syntax error; probable cause: missing ';'
I don't understand what's wrong. Could you help, please ?
15-11-2009, 14:57
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Totobeloeil, hopefully Dave and/or others with context will also reply, but I believe Win dev has moved from the Watcom tools to MS dev tools. I believe there is a .vsproj available, but don't know the state of it.
I use VSE 2008, and because I could find nothing official, I hand-built a project-plus-solution for OpenCPN plus additional peripheral projects I'm fiddling with. I could make my own OpenCPN .vsproj available if folks think it's worthwhile - but no guarantees on ongoing maintenance of it (it's "unofficial" until it's in cvs).
It'd be useful and interesting to see how you plan to do I18n and L10n. Ditto for how those changes might end up back into the code-base (Dave??). I'm not sure this is the best forum for that level of tech discussion, but I know of no better forum for this kind of thing. The sourceforge site has very little activity on the project inside.
15-11-2009, 17:06
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In order to help others who would like to compile OpenCPN on windows -- please provide a how-to of your method for compiling OpenCPN. The simpler the better. Please note the version of windows that this how-to applies to, and any other necessary info that may not be obvious (e.g. file structure, tools).
Thanks in advance,
16-11-2009, 00:26
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OpenCPN unofficial build steps for Win32
Paul, I can only provide the basics, and there are caveats:
(a) the instructions are for someone experienced in MS dev. I have not tailored my personal build for the general public, so it will take tweaking for each person. I'm not bothering to make it general until/unless I can make it official in the cvs code base. But if someone else wants to - great, I'll leverage their work too. I don't have cvs write access, so I cannot make it official.
(b) My project worked on yesterdays cvs source. But because it's "unofficial" I can't guarantee it will work tomorrow.
(c) I built the project by hand, ad hoc, and I'm trying to provide instructions to users of this. So I haven't actually followed my own instructions - the first who do are guinea pigs; give me feedback and I'll improve the instructions as needed.
(d) this is for Win2000 or later but I have only tried it on WinXP SP3
(1) If you don't have MS Visual Studio 8 or later, install the free version, like I did: Visual Studio Express 2008 (VSE 2008). You can get it from microsoft...
(2) If you don't have it, go install your favorite cvs suite, and follow the OpenCPN sourceforge.net instructions to pull the source from cvs. I use TortoiseCVS.
(3) Install wxWidgets-2.8.10 or later, and follow the instructions for building it in VSE.
(4) Rename the attached file from *.zip.doc to *.zip and unzip the files into a directory parallel to the opencpn cvs root. Source references in the project are relative, like "../opencpn/*". I use .../opencpn/opencpn and .../opencpn/vs.
(5) Use your favorite text editor to edit the unzipped opencpn.vcproj:
(5.1) replace C:\Devmt\Work\wxWidgets-2.8.10 with your wxWidgets location
(5.2) replace C:\Devmt\Work\opencpn\opencpn with your opencpn location
(6) Start the Visual C++ IDE, open the unzipped opencpn.sln, and do a build.
Let me know how it goes...
16-11-2009, 01:41
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Thanks to you, Mark and Paul.
I'll try to act as a guinea pig for a while and let you know ...
16-11-2009, 03:28
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OpenCPN unofficial build steps for Win32 worked fine for me
Thanks a lot !
It was a great pleasure to see it worked fine at first trial !
I used OpenCPN 1.3.4, wxWidgets 2.8.10 and VS2008 (alias VC9) on Vista32 platform.
I put the opencpn.vsproj file into the opencpn root-directory.
Into the opencpn.vsproj file, i just replaced :
C:\Devmt\Work\wxWidgets-2.8.10 with $(WXWIN)
C:\Devmt\Work\opencpn\opencpn with . (just a point).
I did not use the opencpn.sln as it seems to me it was better to let VS2008 rebuild it on its own.
Trying to upload the updated OpenCPN.vsproj file as a .txt .
Hope this will help.
20-11-2009, 00:59
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Originally Posted by Totobeloeil
Thanks a lot !
It was a great pleasure to see it worked fine at first trial !
I used OpenCPN 1.3.4, wxWidgets 2.8.10 and VS2008 (alias VC9) on Vista32 platform.
I put the opencpn.vsproj file into the opencpn root-directory.
Into the opencpn.vsproj file, i just replaced :
C:\Devmt\Work\wxWidgets-2.8.10 with $(WXWIN)
C:\Devmt\Work\opencpn\opencpn with . (just a point).
I did not use the opencpn.sln as it seems to me it was better to let VS2008 rebuild it on its own.
Trying to upload the updated OpenCPN.vsproj file as a .txt .
Hope this will help.
Great, Totobeloeil, glad it worked. re: $(WXWIN), relocating the proj file, and auto-.sln, all makes sense. I would do this too for the official solution and general public.
20-11-2009, 14:52
running down a dream
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a question for the openCPN folks: is there a way to configure the display to show a different color for shallow water? thanks.
some of the best times of my life were spent on a boat. it just took a long time to realize it.
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