I am starting this thread to serve as a place to post photos and videos showing the destruction caused by hurricanes and typhoons and tropical storms. This is intended to be a thread in which anyone can post relevant photos, whether it is of their
boat or the damage caused to
boats owned by others or news reports etc.
This is intended to illustrate what happens to boats when a strong storm strikes marinas and anchorages.
This thread can contain photos from ANY strong storm.
If you post a
photo of your own boat's damage, please describe the
boat (model, LOA) and if possible what caused the damage (e.g. Other boats struck your boat,
mooring broke,
anchor dragged, floating pontoons moved, etc.).
IF you learned something from what happened to your boat or other boats, please mention that. It could be something as simple as the lack of chafe protection, etc.
If you post a photo, please indicate the LOCATION and DATE and the NAME OF STORM (or hurricane) and if possible the WIND SPEED and STORM SURGE experienced at that location.