Hello all!!!
I am extremely new to sailing, it has been a dream of mine for many years now.
Loose Screws is a 24' Bristol
Corsair and is located in Deltaville, VA.. I am currently in Tennessee.
I talked about sailing for a few years and my wife said "You need a
boat, before you can sail." So I got a
boat after 4 years...
How She got her name goes exactly like this, "You have to have a few "Loose Screws" to want to make an
Atlantic crossing." that is what my wife said to me 3 years ago so the name stuck...lol
I have been out to see the boat once already and I will be heading back out in a couple of weeks to do some minor
repairs with a buddy of mine.
My wife, Amy, will never get on the boat with me out at sea, as she has an extreme rear of the
water but, she told me that she stands behind me and my dream, even if it is on dry land...lol...
Now the adventure begins...