Hi this is Dan the man, (Dan Morton), I've been visiting the cruisin forum for over a year now, so I thought it was about time for an intro from me.
I am married to my soul mate Therese, Therese and I met in
Vanuatu, where we lived for 8yrs between beginning 1987 to end of 1994. The final cyclone took us out and we
sold our cattle coconut plantation and moved to Oz with our eldest Angela and our middle child Jean. Third and last daughter Imogen born in 1996 year of our marriage! Living in Brissy,
I've started sailing in 2008, taught by my late Father Dick Morton. I started with Hartley 18ft
trailer sailor, great
boat to learn to sail in! We enjoyed 5 years on Mitz, sailing around Moreton Bay, for those Mexicans its in 'Gods own',
Queensland, Oz! In 2013 we upgraded to a 27ft Roberts Searle Last Laugh, fantastic very forgiving
monohull and a great
boat to further learn sailing skills, sailing in 30knot winds or getting round Peel island in light 10knot winds, spent many nm getting around Moreton Bay.
My wife and I are now 60! And its time for serious cruisin, so the deal was sell last laugh and we can buy the bigger
live aboard Catamaran. So I decided I liked FPs, Maxims or Leopards, despite the lower than optimal freeboard!, around 38ft as we wanted to sail back to
Vanuatu one day.
So after much effort i managed to sell last laugh and then those dozen or so cats I had lined up all went! Looney Covid hit and everyone has gone mad
buying live aboard cats. What is the go, hopefully some of those FP owners will change their minds and they'll come back on the market!
So now I've got to
lift my
game and find another 50-60k to get a FP 36 or 38 in Oz! Unless anyone has a FP for around 220K Aus in
Anyway I'll keep enjoying the Cruisin Forum and hopefully one day soon I'll have that live aboard, give up the working and join all you other rat bags having a good time on the open seas!!
PS can I change my Cruisin name from Dan Morton to Dan the man easily or do I have to reregister, not really urgent but would be cool,
Thanks Cruisers, chat soon, Dan the man !