When I was looking for my
classic plastic, the Seabreeze was number one on my list. Think they are the finest looking
classic in the size range. Unfortunately, couldn't find one on the
West Coast and settled for
Pearson 35.
The Seabreeze board is
bronze on the older boats and ballasted
aluminum, IIRC, on the newer boats. Believe there can be issues with the
aluminum board from
corrosion. Other than that, the boats are solidly built and supposedly a joy to sail. FWIW, the board in my
Pearson will thump back and forth at
anchor and running dead downwind but is dead quiet with the board up. Since you shouldn't have the board down in those conditions, it's not an issue as I just raise the board. The Seabreeze board may be another story as it's much heavier than the board on the Pearson.
There is a website devoted to the Seabreeze thpugh ot doesn't like muchis going on as the last activity listed was in '05.
Allied Seabreeze Association.
It was not the Seabreeze that circumnavigated but the Allied
Seawind Ketch. It was the first FRP boat to go
round the world.
Peter O.