For me the pleasure is the sailing. To operate a boat that
sails well, is ship shape and gives me pleasure to operate well. Everything from that sunny afternoon run, to a well done anchorage, lights working, no drama. I can only imagine a boat that was less than I liked, giving me frustration while anchored in paradise......I would be fretting over all the things....bad waterline, rusty chain,
rudder that is noisy etc.
My wife would vote for the places as most important to her....maybe that is because the boat goes so well it is kinda boring to her I dunno. I find pleasure in launching a dingy, or having clear decks and
sheets that run fair.....lot's of little things that be pleasurable, will become
work and drudgery on a boat that is not set up and maintained well.
And like Brion Toss once said, "maintenance is important, but you cannot maintain a Yugo into a Mercedes"