As Parmenter and Cottontop stated about the massacre of innocent black church people in
Georgia (?) can happen everywhere and at anytime. I concede that point.
work with Muslims in my hospital and they are just like everyone else there. My personal dentist is a Muslim woman. This thing going on in the middle east is just one hot
bed. The IRA battles in Belfast were the hatred of one group of people against another. If you were a protestant
English soldier and walked into a catholic pub in Ulster....kiss your you know what goodbye. That is what I am saying here. That is all I am saying here. You don't go into the lion's den and expect that you won't be devoured.
The massacre of black church bible study group in
Georgia is one crazy person who hates black people. That has happened all over the world for as long as I have been reading news. It is not related to
race, religion, or region. People killing one another over hatred or perceived injustices goes all the way back to Cain and Abel.
We are not talking about individuals or an individual here. We are talking about an idealogy of radicalized people who have clearly stated for anyone to hear. Foreigners are not to step foot on Islamic soil. Nation states are not saying this. Clearly, radical groups are not main stream elements of Muslim nations. KKK were notorious for lynchings and brutal murders. If you were a black man you would not dare walk down the street with a white woman back in that era.
So, please do not perceive this to be a rant about Muslims or countries. I was raised a
navy brat and was always a minority wherever I lived. The only thing I am saying is that going into areas of the world where there is a clear intent or message to harm people is just a risk that has to be closely evaluated.
For example, I am dying to go to
Istanbul and see the Blue Mosque and the Sultan's museums. I think
Turkey is still safe enough for foreigners. But there is some risk involved because of
current state of affairs in middle east. My coworkers just got back from
Israel doing the religious tours of biblical sites. Their tour guides said they are getting less than 30 percent of tourist traffic due to perceived hatreds. There were many armed
security forces watching everyone like a hawk.
I wouldn't walk in
Baltimore late in the evening either. But in
Baltimore you might just get robbed and jacked up a little. You probably wouldn't get your
head cut off with a dull pocket knife and posted on Youtube with some ISIS message or Alquida slogan. So, don't equate apples to oranges. These radicalized men and
women don't think like you or I do and wouldn't hesitate for a second to gut you like a pig.