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Old 16-04-2020, 08:56   #151
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by Lake-Effect View Post
"We will have to remain vigilant until such a point as a vaccine against COVID-19 is found"

... vigilance doesn't necessarily mean stay 100% locked-down for 18 months.

I'm still thinking that if the current measures continue to break the back of this pandemic in Ontario, some relaxation of the lockdown should be possible before June.
Key word being "some".

By way of examples, the British Virgin Islands will remain in complete lockdown with borders closed at least until June 10th, then they will begin to allow for repatriation of citizens & the belongers - non-citizen residents that have lived on the island for 20 or more years, to repatriate so long as they undergo a requisite period of self-isolation and a testing protocol before being cleared to mingle. Then 90 days after June 10th they will consider easing limited entry to non-citizens and non-belongers, especially persons that had established permanent residency but for less than 20 years. LIkely to include persons that are deemed essentials, albeit again those persons will have to undergo the extensive enforced self-isolation and testing to prove negative twice on separate days.

Another example, is New Zealand which is operating on the basis of eliminating the disease from their island, not just contain it. They are at Level 4 lockdown which is extreme particularly as to banning entry.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday that significant restrictions would be kept in place even if the country eases the nationwide one-month lockdown enforced to beat the spread of the coronavirus.

New Zealand introduced its highest, level 4 lockdown measures in March, under which offices, schools and all non-essential services like bars, restaurants, cafes and playgrounds were shut down. A decision on whether to lift the lockdown would be made on April 20.

The measures were tougher than most other countries, including neighbouring Australia, where some businesses were allowed to operate.

Ardern said if New Zealand moves to the lower level 3 of restriction, it would permit aspects of the economy to reopen in a safe way but there will be no "rush to normality".

"We have an opportunity to do something no other country has achieved, eliminating the virus," Ardern said at a news conference.

New Zealand reported 15 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, taking the total to 1,401 in a nation of about 5 million people. There have been nine deaths.

Ardern said under level 3, some people could return to work and businesses reopen if they are able to provide contactless engagement with customers.

Shops, malls, hardware stores and restaurants will remain shut but can permit online or phone purchases.

Schools can open partially up to year 10 but attendance is voluntary, Ardern said, adding that for children who are able, distance learning is still the best option.

Funerals and weddings will be able to go ahead, but limited to 10 people. But they can only be services and no meals, food or receptions can take place.

“By design, Level 3 is a progression, not a rush to normality. It carries forward many of the restrictions in place at Level 4, including the requirement to mainly be at home in your bubble and to limit contact with others," Ardern said.

One can see that essential activities will be eased, non-essential activities will not be eased and discretionary travel will also not be availed until community wide immunity can be realized. Welcome to the new normal wherein social distancing is the routine.
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Old 16-04-2020, 09:32   #152
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by AiniA View Post
Our yacht club, Whitby YC, just east of Toronto have moved launch to June 12-14. The marine facilities guy brought up a troubling scenario. What happens if we launch and when we need to haul in October the virus has resurfaced.
I know many clubs are different, but our marina often launches and hauls boats without owners present. One of their recent memos mentioned this might be the only option this year...which is ok with me.

My bigger concern is the government might want to keep marinas (and clubs, parks, campgrounds etc) closed to public as long as possible to prevent social gatherings. Our marina says they are working on a plan to address that...basically a system to get everyone from cars to boats and on the water with as little social interaction as possible. I am ok with that too.

Then I think about multi-boat raft ups and parties typical for many anchorages of Georgian do you control that? These people might just kill the season for everyone.
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Old 16-04-2020, 10:00   #153
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by skalashn View Post
Then I think about multi-boat raft ups and parties typical for many anchorages of Georgian do you control that? These people might just kill the season for everyone.
The usual bad management/leadership method is to ban the activity for the majority because of the sins/rule breaking of a minority.

They closed some state parks, maybe all at this point, as well as some of the boat ramps on local lakes in my state. The excuse was people were not keeping their distance on the boat ramps when launching. This is absurd. The people on the ramps were no closer than people in grocery, farm, and home stores. They even closed down some of the fishing piers. Even in the best of weather, very few people are on those docks, and certainly not at this time of year.

Rangers and Wildlife Officers are still working. If they see people rafting up, fine them. Don't take down the entire system because of a few people. Our local lakes don't raft up. You might see some pontoon boats in the summer time with 5-10 people on board, but not this time of year, and if one did see this, fine them. They are a vast minority. Most of the people on the lake are fishing or kayaking.

The state parks with hiking trails have closed too. People do not congregate on those trails. I used to hike and jog in one park for years and one was lucky, or unlucky depending on your view, to see another person out on the trails. The Rangers are still working, so if they see people at park benches, or somehow getting to close, what is the answer? Fine em. How hard is this? Instead they have taken away needed places for people to go who are stuck in their home with no real way to get out.

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Old 16-04-2020, 10:17   #154
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by Montanan View Post
Key word being "some".

By way of examples, the British Virgin Islands will remain in complete lockdown with borders closed at least until June 10th, then they will begin to allow for repatriation of citizens & the belongers - non-citizen residents that have lived on the island for 20 or more years, to repatriate so long as they undergo a requisite period of self-isolation and a testing protocol before being cleared to mingle. ...

Another example, is New Zealand which is operating on the basis of eliminating the disease from their island, not just contain it. They are at Level 4 lockdown which is extreme particularly as to banning entry.

One can see that essential activities will be eased, non-essential activities will not be eased and discretionary travel will also not be availed until community wide immunity can be realized. Welcome to the new normal wherein social distancing is the routine.
I wasn't even considering international travel, just the local restrictions on activities, which currently preclude just about all recreational boating.

I wanna go sailing soon...very badly... so I am not always being very objective here.

Originally Posted by skalashn View Post
My bigger concern is the government might want to keep marinas (and clubs, parks, campgrounds etc) closed to public as long as possible to prevent social gatherings. Our marina says they are working on a plan to address that...basically a system to get everyone from cars to boats and on the water with as little social interaction as possible. I am ok with that too.

Then I think about multi-boat raft ups and parties typical for many anchorages of Georgian do you control that? These people might just kill the season for everyone.
I know that our club is dead serious about observing social-distancing rules. Canadians have been very compliant and observant of the isolation rules, so I am hopeful that government will reward our good behaviour, and flattening curves, with trust that we are responsible enough to resume some summer activities while still maintaining social-distancing and other guidelines.

I wouldn't be concerned about those big raftups and parties. Announce BIG fines, step up boat patrols, monitoring via drones, aircraft, satellite... If I was on the water and there were planes flying low over the shorelines 2 or 3 times a day, I'd think twice about attempting any rule-bending.
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Old 16-04-2020, 10:26   #155
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by skalashn View Post
I know many clubs are different, but our marina often launches and hauls boats without owners present. One of their recent memos mentioned this might be the only option this year...which is ok with me.

My bigger concern is the government might want to keep marinas (and clubs, parks, campgrounds etc) closed to public as long as possible to prevent social gatherings. Our marina says they are working on a plan to address that...basically a system to get everyone from cars to boats and on the water with as little social interaction as possible. I am ok with that too.

Then I think about multi-boat raft ups and parties typical for many anchorages of Georgian do you control that? These people might just kill the season for everyone.
At our yacht club launch are all members except for the crane operator. They had already addresses how launch would be done will many fewer volunteers working. With care you could do it with social distancing. They also would only allow members in at the time their boat is to be launched.
Have taken on the restoration of the first Nonsuch, which was launched in 1978. Needs some deck work, hull compounding, and a bit of new gear.
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Old 16-04-2020, 12:22   #156
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by Lake-Effect View Post
I wasn't even considering international travel, just the local restrictions on activities, which currently preclude just about all recreational boating.
I wanna go sailing soon...very badly...
Well there's this sailing game, Pancake Sailor, for Windows PCs:
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Old 17-04-2020, 11:28   #157
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Our club in Toronto received Legal clarification about the closure and accessibility:

"... No person shall enter or use any outdoor amenity except for emergency maintenance, safety, or law enforcement. Therefore, access to the club is permitted only for emergencies or unusual circumstances. I have now received the official letter from the City of Toronto declaring our Club closed until further notice under provincial emergency orders...."

"...Following high winds earlier this week, Ontario Sailing received numerous questions about allowing members to check their boats and covers. OSA has confirmed through legal counsel that the government DOES NOT consider checking a recreational boat to be an emergency. Apparently the provincial government has liaised with the insurance community and been assured that there is no expectation by insurance companies that members check boats while under emergency orders. Legal advice is no access while under emergency orders.

We have also received updated information of boats for sale. While under emergency orders, boat sales cannot proceed. There can be no access for brokers, potential buyers, surveyors, etc.

Boating Ontario shared as statement from a letter received from the Government of Ontario. The government is concerned about a premature opening of the recreational-boating season. Ontario Sailing had a teleconference with Boating Ontario yesterday. Their message is that we must ensure that no club or marina contravenes, or is perceived to be in contravention of any restriction or order. This not only affects an organization’s reputation, it could have repercussions on the reopening of recreational facilities. A complaint was recently lodged against a club on Georgian Bay. That club has been fined and is under investigation.

Remember fines for contravening any aspect of the emergency orders is up to $1,000 for individuals, up to $500,000 for directors, and up to $1,000,000 for organizations..."

The government has created a barrier between myself and my property, to me this is getting out of hand... not really sure where it will lead us to.
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Old 17-04-2020, 11:41   #158
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by SVTatia View Post
Our club in Toronto received Legal clarification about the closure and accessibility:

"... No person shall enter or use any outdoor amenity except for emergency maintenance, safety, or law enforcement. Therefore, access to the club is permitted only for emergencies or unusual circumstances. I have now received the official letter from the City of Toronto declaring our Club closed until further notice under provincial emergency orders...."

"...Following high winds earlier this week, Ontario Sailing received numerous questions about allowing members to check their boats and covers. OSA has confirmed through legal counsel that the government DOES NOT consider checking a recreational boat to be an emergency. Apparently the provincial government has liaised with the insurance community and been assured that there is no expectation by insurance companies that members check boats while under emergency orders. Legal advice is no access while under emergency orders.

We have also received updated information of boats for sale. While under emergency orders, boat sales cannot proceed. There can be no access for brokers, potential buyers, surveyors, etc.

Boating Ontario shared as statement from a letter received from the Government of Ontario. The government is concerned about a premature opening of the recreational-boating season. Ontario Sailing had a teleconference with Boating Ontario yesterday. Their message is that we must ensure that no club or marina contravenes, or is perceived to be in contravention of any restriction or order. This not only affects an organization’s reputation, it could have repercussions on the reopening of recreational facilities. A complaint was recently lodged against a club on Georgian Bay. That club has been fined and is under investigation.

Remember fines for contravening any aspect of the emergency orders is up to $1,000 for individuals, up to $500,000 for directors, and up to $1,000,000 for organizations..."

The government has created a barrier between myself and my property, to me this is getting out of hand... not really sure where it will lead us to.

Hmm, this is temporary, I think you are going too far... the barrier is for protection, and again, temporary (sorry for the inconvenience between you and your pleasure toys). ON provincial government is conservative, and knows the importance of private property. Only remember ON’s Numbers are just slightly behind QB, hence the importance of strong measures.
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Old 17-04-2020, 12:00   #159
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by Lake-Effect View Post
I wasn't even considering international travel, just the local restrictions on activities, which currently preclude just about all recreational boating.

Indeed many jurisdictions with many different customs and policies. Within nation travel is also an issue. Many States and Provinces have restrictions to entry and require imposing self-isolation protocols, or simply ban travel, except for limited essential purposes.

I wanna go sailing soon...very badly... so I am not always being very objective here.

Yep we are faced daily with distinguishing between Want's versus Needs. Determining non-essential versus essential. Essential being spelled with a Capital E under these hazardous circumstances. Happiness can be found at home time.
On the scheme of world issues, recreational boating is rather low, and I don't see it rising with a Spring Tide. There being just too many Covidiots with poor social distancing practices, such as interacting at marinas and parks, rafting, or allowing persons on the boat that are not cohabitants. Boating is typically a very social activity, hard to avail those that will just enjoy the activity and not board the "social" attribute.

Until there is a safe and effective vaccine I perceive there will be the need for diligence as to social distancing at work, schools, business and recreational pursuits and worship services. The virus is a challenging adversary and requires everyone's assistance to hold it a bay. Recognition that you may be a vector requires that you avoid transmitting it to others. That is part of a social contract that is imposed on each and everyone of us.

Looking forward to being able to have more normal times again, I am resolved that will not likely occur until late 2021, early to mid 2022.
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Old 17-04-2020, 12:49   #160
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by DanCan View Post
Hmm, this is temporary, I think you are going too far... the barrier is for protection, and again, temporary (sorry for the inconvenience between you and your pleasure toys). ON provincial government is conservative, and knows the importance of private property. Only remember ON’s Numbers are just slightly behind QB, hence the importance of strong measures.
Believe me I know the seriousness of the situation and the importance of social distancing to contain this plague, but getting into my car driving to and walking to my boat without any interactions or touching anything "public" is much less risky than going to the supermarket, but unbeknownst to the OG I know how to protect myself. Oh, and BTW, my boat is not a toy, it will be my retirement residence.
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Old 17-04-2020, 12:55   #161
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by SVTatia View Post
Believe me I know the seriousness of the situation and the importance of social distancing to contain this plague, but getting into my car driving to and walking to my boat without any interactions or touching anything "public" is much less risky than going to the supermarket, but unbeknownst to the OG I know how to protect myself. Oh, and BTW, my boat is not a toy, it will be my retirement residence.:thumb:
Assuming one survives Covid-19 so as to live long enough to retire.

Hoping so, and hoping you will have many fine years enjoying your liveaboard boat.


Passing along a motivational remark:

"We isolate today, so that when we get back together again, no one is missing."
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Old 17-04-2020, 13:07   #162
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My boat IS my home. Right now, I can't get there. I'm lucky to be able to wait it out at a relative's place, but my boat is not a toy for recreation. It is where I live.
Why go fast, when you can go slow.
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Old 17-04-2020, 13:16   #163
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by SVTatia View Post
Believe me I know the seriousness of the situation and the importance of social distancing to contain this plague, but getting into my car driving to and walking to my boat without any interactions or touching anything "public" is much less risky than going to the supermarket, but unbeknownst to the OG I know how to protect myself. Oh, and BTW, my boat is not a toy, it will be my retirement residence.

In coloquial conversations, I completely get that from your home to car to boat this shouldn’t be a problem. However, keep in mind regulations at this level cannot consider the minutia of our day to day living. In order to promote this resisted “stay home” order public administrations need to cut the crap and make general mandates. That’s all. If they start with the minutia, more and more folks will believe they are exempt or that this or that part of the regulation does not apply to them. This is the main reason for restricting things that per ser could be ok. Plus, in some congested areas, more and more folks out (in activities that could be ok per se) means other increased risks, more police affected, more things to consider in terms of services, etc.
Like everyone else, I’m concerned too with our stalled economy. Here in Alberta we feel it like everywhere else. It is temporary and probably will open somehow staggered. That’s our hope.
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Old 17-04-2020, 13:25   #164
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Originally Posted by DanCan View Post
In coloquial conversations, I completely get that from your home to car to boat this shouldn’t be a problem. However, keep in mind regulations at this level cannot consider the minutia of our day to day living. In order to promote this resisted “stay home” order public administrations need to cut the crap and make general mandates. That’s all. ...

Agreed. Government laws and regulations (and edicts ) are blunt instruments usually aimed at the lowest common denominator. In this case the stakes are (or seem to be) high, so the application is particularly broad and simplistic. Makes sense.

I sure hope with hindsight we find it was worth both the economic and social costs. And I hope we're able to learn some of the positive lessons that are coming out of this crisis. This is as opposed to the negative lessons a crisis like this usually carries forward.
Why go fast, when you can go slow.
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Old 18-04-2020, 06:57   #165
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Re: Canadian boating - Great Lakes and Atlantic region

Boating Ontario's Wednesday Update and suggested Best Practices for Marinas:

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

Premier Ford announced yesterday the extension of the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act for a further 28 days, bringing the new date to May 12th.

We are finalizing a letter to go to the Premier and multiple Ministers to outline the importance of boating as a safe and social distancing-responsible activity. In addition, we will define the critical timing that we find ourselves in as a seasonal business and our need for a 4-week limited operations period during which we can (1) provide ‘touchless’ delivery experiences for retail sold inventory & (2) safely allow our marina teams the time required to get the boats out of storage and into their slips.

We are very pleased to share with you the first of two Social Distancing Best Practices guides. This first release is intended for your staff. Note that the guide has been developed to cover the myriad of operations that our members offer including our trade partners, dryland facilities and marinas. These are not intended to define or interpret law, rather they are shared as a guide from which each member can outline specific best practices within their own teams and operations.

When boaters are given the opportunity to get back on the water, we will share with you a Social Distancing Best Practice guide for boaters. This will cover their responsibilities from the moment they pull into your parking lot, outline expectations for social areas, washrooms, retail store, and service access and more. This will be provided as a simple to share electronic file that can readily be eblasted to your customer base.

Thanks as always for your support.

We wish you and your families health during this – the craziest April many of us have ever seen!

Your Boating Ontario Team
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