I hope Rebecca will not mind me re-posting her Gofundme post here - RIP Patrick:
by Rebecca Taft Childress
Today I was woken from a call by the doctors...unusual.
It was Dr
Thompson, the doctor I liked last week that was one of the doctors trying to get me in for a visit. He said I needed to come to the hospital right now, that he would try hard to keep Patrick alive until I got there.
I raced down there, pants over my pajamas, and lucky for Paul and Jennifer, I didn’t crack their car up. I somehow told the guards I was going in, used that doctors name, and got in. When I arrived to the ward, they wanted me to wait, told me repeatedly I shouldn’t be there, but I told them Dr
Thompson was keeping him alive for me arrival. I told them the doctor said to come now that there isn’t much time. They made me wait. So I sat there in the waiting room. Finally it dawned on me that I had the doctors number. So I called it. He came out in 30 seconds, and braught me in. Got in to less PPE that I expected, and was told that there is not much
danger as Patrick doesn’t have Covid19 any more. I washed my hands well, and I stepped beyond the yellow lines.
I have an ear infection now and so I could not hear a LOT of what the doctor said. And I was anxious to get to Patrick, feel from me. But what I understood was that something happened in the middle of the night, and everything suddenly severely declined...blood pressure and oxygen saturation namely. They believe it was a blood clot that formed in the heart. ...what covid does in various blood vessels in the body. They had had him on blood thinner/anticoagulants from the beginning to prevent exactly this. They administered HUGE amounts of Adrenalin to try to sustain Him but the blood pressure just wouldn’t stay up. He said with the huge adrenaline that they were administering, and the oxygen Setting on the machine...100%, and still the low oxygen saturation level, it would not be long..there was nothing they could do at all.
I went over to him, held his hand that didn’t even look like his hand anymore. And stroked his forehead and ran my fingers through his hair..he always did like this..it made him relax. I told him everything that I won’t write down here, and told him it was OK to leave now...That I would find him again someday, that he caught a good fight.
One thing I will never forget my whole life is that he was staring at the ceiling when I came to him. They had him on morphine for pain, and they said he was not aware of anything. But his eyes were open, if not glassy. He was breathing mostly every breath on his own. His mouth was trembling. When I first said in his good ear...that I was here, and that everything is OK now, he can go and I will catch up with hims someday again, and that we would have fun together again someday. He flicked his eyes and looked right into mine, I swear, and a tear came from his left eye, the same eye a tear came as we were marrying 13 years ago, in 3 weeks. I will never forget that either. Shortly thereafter, 20 minutes maximum, I saw the lines go flat, and the numbers go to zero, and all kinds of alarms go off. Zena, the nurse that held the
phone for me to talk to Patrick a couple times, came and shut the alarms off. A stronger person may have stayed with the offer to watch the tubes and hoses come out and for them to prepare him for the mortuary. I think I was suppose to wait for someone to do paperwork or something. But I just asked someone if I could leave, and I somehow found my way through the halls back to the outside. I asked one poor man, where is the exit...I probably looked like I was escaping the lonny bin ward. He pointed me to continue in the direction I was going. Somehow I found the car, and I didn’t crack it up going back to the
boat either. Good thing I had that trial run the other day.
One cruiser/new friend, Nichelle, From SV Pluto, came over, literally forced entry in to my boat and demanded a hug. She got an earful...a really good cry. God she was a good hugger. Another new friend, Wendy, the angel that sent me the doctor from the other hospital, and then an oldish friend Amanda from another boat, came over and spent all day with me...talking about the matter at hand, and also about everything else under the sun. The marina manager Toni who had her BF give me that very uplifting Harley Davidson ride last week, and Nichelle from Pluto, brought
food and drink which is good because I’m not sure I would have had anything all day otherwise. My kitten Coati is cuddling me now.
Now I’m Just sitting here. And I can’t believe this world does not have Patrick in it anymore. I’m just so disappointed,
lost and so lonely for my best friend. I just can’t believe he is gone now. It wasn’t suppose to happen. With so many people supporting him around the world, and the love of my life, how could things go so wrong???
I don’t know what my plans are. Probably just wallow in self pity for a while I suppose thinking about what to do next.
Thanks everyone for your support through this.