Hello all,
I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar behavior of the Sterling ABC unit:
I can successfully
power off the unit with the
remote, but it turns itself back on after ~30 seconds to 2 min.
The US Sterling rep was helpful and sent me a new
remote, but that did not fix the issue. I am yet to try replacing the cable. (I have a replacement and it is on my to-do list)
The US Sterling rep mentioned as a fail-proof option, a separate
power switch can be wired in to the unit. He also said he'd be open to replacing the entire unit if we couldn't figure it out.
Has anyone else dealt with this?
My reason for wanting to turn the unit off, is that if I know I am going to get back to
shore power in a few hours, I would rather not boost the
alternator. It does shut off sometimes from the temp
sensor, so I know the ABC is pushing it.
The ABC also seems to be mostly in bulk absorption mode - I have not seen it go to float. It seems to just be on a timer rather than reacting to the voltage of the
battery bank.
This is a hard problem to troubleshoot, because the conditions where I am motoring for long periods are not that common.