Originally Posted by Paul Annapolis
I appreciate Don's thoughts but I have to disagree with him on a number of items. 1. Most insurance companies do require a license, at least in my experience. 2. I am not aware of any studies or statistic that show anything at all about the license and risk reduction but I am always asked to show proof of the license. 3. License or not, there is a huge difference between a retiree/hobbyist/sea hobo when it comes to entrusting your boat as opposed to hiring a professional whose livelihood depends on providing just that--a professional service. I won't go into details but I've seen enough and heard enough to know that this is usually true. A professional will be more reliable, efficient, trained, equipped and prepared in most cases than will the hobbyist or retiree..and yes, Don is correct that If he and others who are not really doing this for their living are doing this at a low fee-an unprofessional rate, if you will, he and others do keep rates down and make it harder for we professionals to earn a living. He may be more experienced than am I (there will always be someone more experienced) but if so, why will he work for less than I will work? In the long run, this lowers the standards and prestige of the profession and hurts the labor market for everyone--owners and professionals because it makes it less attractive and more difficult to earn a living. If owners want a labor market, they must be willing to pay professionals a professional price to do a professional job. The same is true for architects, accountants, lawyers, doctors, engineers etc....so why not boat captains? Plenty of people could draw a house, fill out papers, reset your bones, do your taxes....and those that do it professionally, as I sad before, earn in an hour what some boat captains will charge for a day--a 24 hour day--away from home--and at risk! They work in offices, go home at night and don't have to clean bilge pumps or heads.
Im a professional. I charge less than my colleagues. I have a FULL client load and give equal or better service than they do. How do I know? My results are higher than the average.
Firstly, I charge what I think the market I aim for will sustain and keep me in business and pay my office, my staff, my
taxes and profits. Secondly I dont give a rats if someone is cheaper than me. I dont advertise and all my clients are by word of mouth, ie based on results.
'Lowering the standard for professional services?' Perhaps the professional services cost too much more like.
I have no idea who you are Paul but I do know that this continued and frequent complaining regarding "retiree/hobbyist/sea hobo" is basically aimed at one
member of CF whom, sadly for you IS professionally qualified with aspects of his personality that do not fit your criteria of up front professional behavior.
when did you become God and insist on all aspects of your opinion become the standard for delivery captains? When did your pricing structure become the average?
I can tell you right now that if I had to pay the
fees you charge, you would have been out of business a long time ago. Permanently.
Not only that, your whinging in public has turned a lot of people off. Im not here to support your lifestyle or standard of living, Im here to get a professional service at a price that suits me and is completed in a professional manner. ie the boat is delivered in good order and good time depending on external circumstances.
My hired delivery crew will be authorised by my
Insurance company as deemed fit for the purpose, and they will have a list of happy customers willing to give
references and endorsements.
My delivery crew will ask what is required, and I will outline EVERYTHING. We will then discuss their requirements in line with Insurance requirements and then a price will be discussed. My hired delivery crew will have given me a price that will not cause resentment due to being not in line with 'professional' charges, but based on their estimates and experience and what they want for the trip.
My delivery crew of choice will be "professionally qualified". Have lots of experience and be competent seamen and
women and the final choice will be down to................... yes, price or a requirement that I want over another persons abilities. I will be entrusting my vessel to their care, and at the end of the day if it sinks in a storm, it will have cost me a darned sight less for getting into that position for which ANY professional captain would not have been able to prevent.
I have the utmost confidence in people I have hired in the past for assuming command of my vessels. There are a number of non delivery professionals here on CF that I also have that confidence in. They are good experienced sailors, and for those I dont know personally that I attribute that status too, I do personally know people who know them and have ratified my assessment.
NO ONE HAS TO PAY PRICES THEY DONT AGREE WITH. Unless there is no other choice. Fortunately we have a choice in deliveries.
You have dirtied your bib with me on CF. Its a repetitive and accusatory and demeaning path you tread to discredit a
member here. Not good, not good at all.
So very disappointed in a professional.