We're back from the race,
thanks guys for following :-)
We did 6th in double handed real time, 11th over all.
Due to the bad rating of our
boat we ended up 5th in IRC, 3rd ORC.
Anyway it was great fun.
I used
weather routing as well as tactics pi throughout the whole race, using zygrib GFS
forecast files.
The zygrib GRIBs are the only free and somehow reliable GRIB source for the
Adriatic sea. I tried using
weather routing predictions on all legs, although the course limits you somehow to the coastline on the first and last leg.
But for the diagonal crossing it makes absolutely sense to give it a try.
On the way south, after the first Turnpoint Susak/Sansego, weather routing suggested to sail more to the west, and then down the italian coast. Initially we sailed with the fleet on a more easterly course, until I noticed we had a constant surface
current of +/- 1
knot against us (tactics_pi display !).
So we really left the fleet, sticking to the westerly option, until in late afternoon the
wind veered away (other than predicted by the GRIBs), and we couldn't follow the
route anymore.
On the way back up from the most southerly turnpoint, the
passage of a small depression was forecasted, and this time the GRIBs were correct, weather routing did a great job and we were able to follow the suggested
route gaining some positions.
In 4 days of nonstop sailing I expierienced only one O crash, when I tried to clean up (delete) some exported weather routing tracks in the route manager.
Tactics_pi runs stable,
instruments seem to
work correct.
I discovered a bug in the "laylines to Tactics WP" display (the red/green VMG lines from
boat to wp), but as this is still
work in progress anyway, I didn't expect it to function on a 100% level.
I'll add another instrument "TWA to Waypoint", as I constantly have this question : Which is the TWA on courseline to a mark ?
This is meant as aid for the selection of the right gennaker/spi, e.g. if you sail upwind, and you know that after passing a turnpoint you'll go downwind. But which
gennaker to select ? The Code5, the reacher or the runner ?
They all overlap a bit, but I can't use the runner with TWAs less than 115°, and the Code5 stops working at 125° ...
Maybe a first step into a sail plan selection tool ...
I'll clean up the code now and upload it to github during the next few days.