05-01-2020, 05:28
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Originally Posted by verkerkbr
Hakan and TDan,
thanks for the efforts. Tried the beta. But I am allready changed to Bionic and Buster on my RPI's. This version does not work, to many missing files.
Waiting for an "official" beta setup from Dave.
Everything is working great on my other 64 bits systems, including the SignalK server.
Regards, Bram
Finally got a buster deb package built.
05-01-2020, 06:38
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Hi Folks (I am new here) ...
I am trying to install opencpn on my raspberry 3B and added the deb line in /etc/apt/sources.list file. sudo apt-get install opencpn does not give me opencpn install.
When I look at sudo apt-cache search opencpn, I see a lot of opencpn related plugins and documentation but the program itself does not show up.
Any body knows what is going on?
Thanks for any answer ..
Hugo Bokman
05-01-2020, 08:34
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Originally Posted by transmitterdan
What is happening is the ship rotates when the course suddenly changes as in a tack. Then lookahead mode says "hey we need to slide the chart around to maintain the lookahead distance". Finally, the chart will eventually rotate to put the ship back to looking up because you have selected "course up" mode. Then the ship will drift back to its original position on the screen because the chart is rotating and lookahead is always trying to keep up with that...
That all makes sense.
Originally Posted by transmitterdan
...If the ship is in the center of the viewport then the ship doesn't move when it rotates or the chart rotates. But if the ship is off-center then something has to give.
Why does something have to give? Simply rotate the chart to keep the ship at the same pixel, just like normal lookahead but at a different pixel. Should be easier, because the chart does not have to slide around to maintain any lookahead distance - just keep the ship where the user put it. This is what it appears to do in north up mode, and should be what is done in course up mode.
05-01-2020, 08:55
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OpenCPN development preview
The chart only moves once per second. The ship rotates as soon as NMEA data says rotate. So a compromise has to be made. Not all hardware platforms can rotate an entire chart on every NMEA course change. There just are not enough CPU/GPU cycles on some platforms.
Maybe Dave has an idea how to handle. Perhaps don’t update ship orientation immediately or something like that.
05-01-2020, 13:05
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Originally Posted by transmitterdan
The chart only moves once per second. The ship rotates as soon as NMEA data says rotate. So a compromise has to be made. Not all hardware platforms can rotate an entire chart on every NMEA course change. There just are not enough CPU/GPU cycles on some platforms.
All my devices seem to have plenty of cycles to do normal LookAhead with no problems. Why does the new LookAhead take so much more computing power? The new feature would seem to be simpler, since no adjustments need to be made for changing length of OwnShip velocity vector.
It’s fine if the screen adjustment is made less frequently. What I’m seeing is a continuous drift of ownship icon over many minutes (sometimes completely off the window), which suggests to me a cumulative error in the calculations.
05-01-2020, 14:51
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
What do you mean by “normal look ahead”? There is only one kind of look ahead in OpenCPN.
05-01-2020, 15:06
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Originally Posted by transmitterdan
Hi Tdan,
thanks for the RPI version. Works very good on my just installed Raspian 64 bits system on the RPI4.
The only thing I now like to try is the Canbus input in the lastest version of the OpenPlotter settings. The Canable canbus board on the boat allready worked. But now to see if it also works with the OpenPlotter setup menu.
But the boat in the winter lay-up. I'am waiting for a nmea2000 GPS to test the NMEA2K input in Signalk/canboat.
05-01-2020, 15:57
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Originally Posted by transmitterdan
What do you mean by “normal look ahead”? There is only one kind of look ahead in OpenCPN.
I don’t think you understand what I’ve been saying. There are most certainly two types of Look Ahead mode in v5.0. They are described in What’s New page:
<Ownship icon with lavender dot in menu bar>
This is what you see if Chart Panel Options ? Look Ahead Mode is active. This corresponds to the 4.8 Look Ahead Mode. One difference is that Autofollow will not be turned off if you move the chart with the cursor, as long as Own Ship is still visible. In this case the Own Ship Icon will auto revert to it's original position on the screen.
This legacy Lookahead mode works fine on all my devices in North up or Course up mode, in v5.0, 4.x.x, and even 3.6.x.
<Ownship icon with green dot in menu bar>
This mode is a more general version of the old Look Ahead mode. Just Left Click and grab the canvas and move the boat to were you want it on the screen, and it will stay there.
This new feature, introduced in v5.0, works on all my devices in north up mode, but fails in the way I described in course up mode .
With that greater level of detail, please go back and see if you can replicate all this.
08-01-2020, 03:03
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
I can report that all works well with the latest OpenCPN versions on my Pi and Linux AMD64 systems.
There is only one thing that gives the wrong settings. The automatic server indication.
It is working here on my Linux 64 with a connection to the SignalK server on my Pi. Ip adres
If i use the automatic server source it gives which does not work.
08-01-2020, 03:12
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
Originally Posted by Hugo Bokman
Hi Folks (I am new here) ...
I am trying to install opencpn on my raspberry 3B and added the deb line in /etc/apt/sources.list file. sudo apt-get install opencpn does not give me opencpn install.
When I look at sudo apt-cache search opencpn, I see a lot of opencpn related plugins and documentation but the program itself does not show up.
Any body knows what is going on?
Thanks for any answer ..
Hugo Bokman 
Hi Hugo,
the right procedure is to install OpenCPN via PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa  pencpn/opencpn
There is a possibility that this command is not working. Then you have to install this first.
sudo apt install software-properties-common
Kom je uit Nederland ?
08-01-2020, 05:04
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Re: OpenCPN development preview
for those who want to test current development OpenCPN packages on Debian/Raspbian Buster , I have created a repository
Here's small howto:
sudo apt install apt-transport-https
wget -O - https://www.free-x.de/debian/oss.boating.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oss.list
deb https://www.free-x.de/debpreview/ buster main
deb https://www.free-x.de/debian/ buster main contrib non-free
sudo apt update
sudo apt install opencpn
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