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transmitterdan has been thanked around the worldtransmitterdan has been thanked around the worldtransmitterdan has been thanked around the world

transmitterdan transmitterdan is offline

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  1. Hc33
    Where are you located?
  2. hasse_A
    The line "I have :compiled from source without errors"
    Refers to wxWidgest. It built ok.

    It happen to go in the wrong place.

  3. hasse_A
    Hi Dan and thanks for helping out with my debug environment!
    We are now back in the boat in Deltaville, VA, USA.

    I have :compiled from source without errors

    VS 2017
    git 2.24.0
    cmake 3.13.1
    poedit 2.2
    nsis 3.0.3

    I have downloaded the source code for OpenCPN V5 and unpacked it.
    Now I need to download the dependencies.
    I suspect the ones mentioned in the manual OpenCPN_buildwin-4.99a.7z not to be the correct ones, or are they ?

  4. stgermain45
  5. tamduy36
    Hi. I have uploaded the Vietnamese translation to Github for OpenCpn 4.6.1. Thank you. I want to ask you, how to connect OPENCPN with Furuno Far-
  6. Cags
    I submitted a pull request with a small routine to provide a link to waypoint icons which has not been accepted. Is there a problem?
  7. rgleason
    I have gone back to try testing your opencpn v4.2.1 filter version downloaded from the google drive. I cannot see to find the "IIR Filter" setting in opencpn.ini to change it from 9 to 0 for testing. What am I doing wrong?
    -do I have to add it manually?
    -if so, where, which section?
    ConfigVersionString=Version 4.2.1 Build 2016-03-09 <-- Thought this was the right one
  8. svbeyond
    Hi Dan;
    Beta Opencpn (v4.1) not available for d/l on their site. Got a link?/
    Thx Bill
  9. rgleason
    Sorry Dan cannot see the script.
  10. svbeyond
    TRANSMITTERDAN Re the script for d/l OCPN I'd like to get it but I can't send a PM reply with my email because I'm not trusted how do I get 'Trusted'
    Thx Bill svbeyond

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  • About transmitterdan
    Vessel Make/ model
    Valiant 42
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  • Last Activity: 18-05-2023 07:20
  • Join Date: 05-10-2011
  • Referrals: 0


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