need help to register app for bigdumboat android forum. the capta code fails every time i try to add the characters.I'm on version 5.8.4 on the opcpn app.
bigdumboat android forum request sent a week ago, please activate sailnscuba.
dm request also sent here and on facebook, yeah the FB autoreply sent me here
When I try to open the OpenCPN app on my Lenovo pad powered by Android 8.1.0 I have a unresponsive white screen for a while and then it says "OpenCPN has stopped". After a reopen as suggested it then says "OpenCPN keeps stopping" and finally "OpenCPN is not responding".
I have the latest version of OpenCPN, 5.10.2. I have uninstalled and re-installed but it still won't open. How do I fix this?