Bluju, Unfortunately many manufacturers of pleasure boat refrigeration
experiment away from the more simple proven designs. I hear frequently from boaters with basic refrigeration systems that are 25 to 30 years old but not any of the overly complicated models like E Z Cold machines can last that long.
Your Questions
1) I feel it should not take that much time to reach the final temp. Is it correct?
A. There are a few items that can change over time that affect performance of that refrigeration unit, Moisture in
insulation do to out gas aging, Loss of eutectic solution in holding plate, loss of refrigerant or moisture in refrigerant. There have been more than a few E Z Cold units destroyed by Seawater condenser failures. E Z Cold also had an extra tan colored small wired box for Compressor speed up control after 1995 that can retard performance.
2) If so, could I be low on R134? Last summer I had a refrigeration technician come inspect the unit. He said we were a bit low on R134 (pressure test) and topped It up.
A. It is normal for a
service tech to say he added refrigerant, What else can he say when he does not know how to answer a poor performance problem. I do not know the size of your
icebox or the ambient temperatures or that compressor you have BD 35 Or BD 50 during your test. With your holding plate containing near 19 pounds of warm eutectic solution the compressor needs to run more than 9 hours just to freeze holding plate solid. The way to see if that
stainless steel plate is frozen solid is tap on it when warm and again when frozen with a large coin. When warm sound is a metal sound when frozen sound is a dead solid sound. The time it takes to freeze plate is only half the compressor running time required, heat must also be removed at the same time from box and surrounding
insulation. Testing performance the fist day will not provide a realistic performance review.
3) 3) Could a low R134 level explain the fact that the plate did look to be uniformly frozen after 24hr of running? by that I mean the plate surface temp varied between areas by at least 5 deg. or is it normal?
A. When a holding plate is placed in freezer area of box its eutectic freeze point is generally as low as – 18 degrees C. Because most manufacturers use a
Food Grade Gycol there will be a temperature variances over time between top and bottom of plate caused by eutectic solution separation. Refrigeration volume in systems with holding plates is hard to confirm. Knowing compressor size and speed along with amp draw will confirm reasonable correct refrigerant charge. A little low on refrigerant is always better that too much refrigerant.
4) What is the "life expectancy" of such units? The former (only) owner mostly sailed in the summer months. I've had the boat for 2 yrs and have not used the fridge much so I can't imagine that the compressor has a huge number of hours.
ANSWER When an air cooled basic system is correctly installed the compressor seems to last forever. Fan
service life is I believe to be 7000 hours. A properly designed holding plate should last the life of the boat. I would avoid systems using line connectors with O rings as a final seal like those used on E Z Cold machines. The major problem with Danfoss compressors is their electronic control module’s failure rate if not connected to clean
electrical power and protected from excessive heat.
Water cooling these small compressors compromises
reliability and reduces service life to less than five years on a
live aboard boat
5) I am getting ready for 1-2 yr
cruise with wife and 2 young
kids. We'll need a reliable refrigeration system and I've been contemplating replacing the system . Mostly because I think the plate may not be large enough to keep the fridge near 3-4 deg and the freezer <-5 C without running too often, which defeats the purpose of the cold plate. Based on the dimensions above and assuming a system working properly, does that make?
ANSWER Unless You have alternative surplus energy from
Solar or
Wind holding plates are less efficient space wise and energy wise. I agree that it is wise to replace the existing refrigeration system. I recommend you take time to select the best system for your needs. Be watchful of sales people at boat shows that say their unit is better than someone else’s unit. They are also the people when unit does not satisfy your needs will say you need more insulation.