22-12-2015, 23:10
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by jackdale
Answer the question with some real substantive evidence, rather than using innuendo.
BTW This is a classic ad hominem argument.
I do know that his father was an activist in the eugenics movement. The same organist hat was associated with the eugenics research being done out at the Cold Spring Harbor lab. The head of the Cold Spring Harbor Research visited Hitler and his team prior to the beginning of the war. He was instrumental in helping to fashion much of the super race through pure genetic breeding garbage embraced by the the Nazis. It's very late here and I'm half not so clear minded from the morphine derivative medicine I'm on. My tendon in my left shoulder is torn and it's like living through hell. Anyway the main funder of the Eugenics research prior to the second world War was a famous industrialist. I'm sure I'll remember tomorrow. Oh, he also was the main benefactor for Ms Sanger. She was the leading light of the pro abortion movement. Another population control activist.
So Mr Gates environmentalism reaches back through to his father and his father's associates who were early day environmentalists who sought to save t he environment through population control.
22-12-2015, 23:20
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by GoingWalkabout
I do know that his father was an activist in the eugenics movement. The same organist hat was associated with the eugenics research being done out at the Cold Spring Harbor lab. The head of the Cold Spring Harbor Research visited Hitler and his team prior to the beginning of the war. He was instrumental in helping to fashion much of the super race through pure genetic breeding garbage embraced by the the Nazis. It's very late here and I'm half not so clear minded from the morphine derivative medicine I'm on. My tendon in my left shoulder is torn and it's like living through hell. Anyway the main funder of the Eugenics research prior to the second world War was a famous industrialist. I'm sure I'll remember tomorrow. Oh, he also was the main benefactor for Ms Sanger. She was the leading light of the pro abortion movement. Another population control activist.
So Mr Gates environmentalism reaches back through to his father and his father's associates who were early day environmentalists who sought to save t he environment through population control.
Here is a citation to help you
» Nazi Money Talks: Is The Bilderberg Group The 4th Reich?
22-12-2015, 23:33
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by newhaul
I don't know anything about the Bilderbergs. I'm just saying what I remember after researching Margaret Sanger. By the way she had some good ideas. Not that I agree at all with eugenics but it did have a bug following amongst the well heeled at the time.
23-12-2015, 03:59
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by StuM
Unless the abiotic oil proponents are correct
Except that those (who are interested) in the real world know where oil, natural gas, coal, methane and methane clathrates come from and how they're formed, and have known this for more than 50 years.
The geo and petrological science on this is very clear, and readily obtained and scrutinized. Not to mention that all oil exploration companies use the '(mainly) oceanic algae buried to the oil horizon window, where it is cooked and subsequently trapped in impermeable subsurface structures theory' (I don't know what the formal name for the theory is) to find and produce oil, not the abiotic 'theory'.
And although this is more of a spoof (though a fairly accurate one), here's what RationalWiki has to say about it. Given some of the other links and biased 'information' we've seen here, I hope I'll be allowed some leeway...
Abiotic Oil Theory
No oil company has ever successfully found a well using the theory and it is generally considered pseudoscience on the order of global warming denialism. [3] It originated in the Soviet Union, its major scientific supporters worked in Russia, and it has never gained a following anywhere outside the Soviet Union. Having largely passed with the USSR, it occasionally makes a comeback among less intellectual conservative elements, [4] where it is used as an excuse to continue ignoring the energy crisis of the future. [5] Russian creationists also favour it.
The Swedes, in fact, drilled in Siljan at Gold's behest and only came up with 80 barrels of oily sludge over a six year period, which easily may have been residue from oil lubricant used in the drilling machinery. Abiotic oil proponents, however, continue to cherry-pick minor increases in production at certain oil wells and declare it as "proof" of abiotic oil. [6]
The radio talk show host George Noory quite often tells his listeners that abiotic oil is the real deal.
23-12-2015, 04:45
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by StuM
Phil Jones, CRU "climate scientist": "We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it."
To any real scientist, that is exactly why you do release your data. It's called "the scientific method". If the findings can't be duplicated, it's not science, it's political advocacy.
A (26 page) list of Professor Philip Jones’ publications in which he shares his research.
➥ https://www.uea.ac.uk/environmental-...ublicationsTab
Originally Posted by StuM
Unless the abiotic oil proponents are correct
What jimbunyard said.
The arguments (abiotic versus biotic oil formation), however, have been pushed aside in recent years by fears that global warming is directly attributable to carbon dioxide produced by burning hydrocarbons. If this is true, it doesn’t matter if oil is limited or not because using it is causing immense damage.
Originally Posted by Going Walkabout
Wasn't Bil Gates father a staunch member and activist of the USA Eugenics movement that also had ties with the Nazi Party?
Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr. has long been involved with Planned Parenthood.
➥ https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/who-we-are
➥ https://www.plannedparenthood.org/fi...Parenthood.pdf
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
23-12-2015, 06:35
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by Reefmagnet
Bill Gates is a university drop-out who paid the author of cpm a pittance for his OS and morphed it into ms-dos that became successful as a result if IBM's open architecture PC XT. Not content with the leg up that IBM gave him and his fledgling Microsoft, he then went on to screw them over again with by essentially using their OS/2 code from a failed development partnership to form the core of Windows NT. He did write MS Basic, however.
Good and ruthless business man, yes; Philanthropist, yes; Techno-geek, yes; Saver of the environment, who knows?
Sent from my SGP521 using Cruisers Sailing Forum mobile app
According to what I was told many years ago it was a guy from Melbourne Australia who wrote the original code that Bill bought for a song. I've heard that from two separate sources but I haven't heard it directly from the programmer.
23-12-2015, 06:42
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by Reefmagnet
Bill Gates is a university drop-out who paid the author of cpm a pittance for his OS and morphed it into ms-dos that became successful as a result if IBM's open architecture PC XT. Not content with the leg up that IBM gave him and his fledgling Microsoft, he then went on to screw them over again with by essentially using their OS/2 code from a failed development partnership to form the core of Windows NT. He did write MS Basic, however.
Good and ruthless business man, yes; Philanthropist, yes; Techno-geek, yes; Saver of the environment, who knows?
Sent from my SGP521 using Cruisers Sailing Forum mobile app
What gives with the Bill Gates hatred?
You cannot even get that story straight.
Gates bought QDOS.
The Man Who Could Have Been Bill Gates - Businessweek
BTW - my first computer was a a CPM driven Osborne One.
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23-12-2015, 06:53
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by GordMay
Sorry GordMay but if you dig a kittle deeper you will find that Planned Parenthood's founders were also leading Eugenicist. And Bills father was a member of Eugenics movement. Have you stopped to think why so many Planned Parenthood's clinics are in predominantly black areas. You will also find a relationship between white supremacists such as the KKK and these two organizations. Not surprising since they all agreed in pure breeding policies to create a better nation. And the biggest laugh is the three movements shared common political support with strong representation in one particular political party in the USA. The life of the late Senator Bird in particular makes interesting reading.
23-12-2015, 06:55
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by jackdale
RM said gates bought qdos but for a fraction of what he had already sold it to IBM for
23-12-2015, 07:48
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by newhaul
RM said gates bought qdos but for a fraction of what he had already sold it to IBM for
GWA said Gates bought CPM.
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23-12-2015, 08:18
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by jackdale
One of the haters posted right after you.
Not sure how any of this relates to cruising, but it's sort of interesting anyway. For my part I don't hate anyone who has a differing perspective. In fact I enjoy the dialogue as long as it doesn't turn bitter and sarcastic.
23-12-2015, 08:49
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by GoingWalkabout
Sorry GordMay but if you dig a kittle deeper you will find that Planned Parenthood's founders were also leading Eugenicist. And Bills father was a member of Eugenics movement. Have you stopped to think why so many Planned Parenthood's clinics are in predominantly black areas. You will also find a relationship between white supremacists such as the KKK and these two organizations. Not surprising since they all agreed in pure breeding policies to create a better nation. And the biggest laugh is the three movements shared common political support with strong representation in one particular political party in the USA. The life of the late Senator Bird in particular makes interesting reading.
It is true that Margaret Sanger was a proponent of eugenics. Sanger was passionate about contraception—perhaps to a fault—and her fervor about promoting her birth control agenda led her to align herself with eugenicists, along with racists and an assortment of people of questionable character.
➥ http://rhrealitycheck.wpengine.netdn.../08/Sanger.pdf
Sanger was also a supporter of the Anti-Nazi Commitee.
➥ https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/...Doc=240246.xml
A 2011 report by Life Dynamics, which opposes abortion, used Census data to determine the African-American and Hispanic population of each zipcode where Planned Parenthood has an office. The report was intended to show that the abortion clinics are placed mostly in areas where black residents exceed the average black population of the state.
But when you look closely at the data, it turns out that there are only about 110 locations (out of about 800) where the black population exceeds 25 percent of the overall population. That certainly does not support the claim that “most” clinics are in “black neighborhoods.”
➥ http://www.klannedparenthood.com/wp-...on-Control.pdf
Separately, in 2011, the Guttmacher Institute surveyed all abortion providers (about 1,700), including Planned Parenthood, and found that 60 percent are in majority-white neighborhoods — and that fewer than one in ten abortion providers are located in neighborhoods where more than half of the residents are black.
➥ Claim that Most Abortion Clinics Are Located in Black or Hispanic Neighborhoods Is False
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"
23-12-2015, 09:18
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by jackdale
GWA said Gates bought CPM.
I stand corrected RM did say gates bought CPM however we both know that QDOS is just one of many versions of CPM based OS
23-12-2015, 10:14
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by GoingWalkabout
According to what I was told many years ago it was a guy from Melbourne Australia who wrote the original code that Bill bought for a song. I've heard that from two separate sources but I haven't heard it directly from the programmer.
Back when IBM was looking for software to run their new PC computer. Digital Research's CPM (control program for micro-computers) was 3-4 months away from being useable on the PC.
Bill Gates who's very small company called Microsoft, which started by selling a basic program for the old homebrew Altair, purchased a software package from another developer called DOS or disk operating system and ran on 5-1/4" floppies, (Ah the good ol days). He then turned around and licensed it to IBM for the PC. When the PC at $5000 became an overnight success, BIll Gates and Microsoft grew and grew.
OS-2 was going to be a next big thing and it was developed by Mircosoft who's windows 3.0 and 3.1 (after dos 1.0 to 5.1) was doing well. But OS2 was written for 32 bit computers (Windoes 95 was 16 bit) and was to be the future. Parts of it's code is still in windows today, but it never really caught on. It was famous for the Blue Screen of Death (A screen dump). I remember it well. I also had a copy of DOS 1.0 (one 5-1/4" floppy) as well as Autocad 1.0 (two 3-1/2" floppies).
23-12-2015, 10:49
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Re: Do we need to be preparing for Arctic cruising strategies because of Global Cooli
Originally Posted by GordMay
It is true that Margaret Sanger was a proponent of eugenics. Sanger was passionate about contraception—perhaps to a fault—and her fervor about promoting her birth control agenda led her to align herself with eugenicists, along with racists and an assortment of people of questionable character.
➥ http://rhrealitycheck.wpengine.netdn.../08/Sanger.pdf
Sanger was also a supporter of the Anti-Nazi Commitee.
➥ https://www.nyu.edu/projects/sanger/...Doc=240246.xml
A 2011 report by Life Dynamics, which opposes abortion, used Census data to determine the African-American and Hispanic population of each zipcode where Planned Parenthood has an office. The report was intended to show that the abortion clinics are placed mostly in areas where black residents exceed the average black population of the state.
But when you look closely at the data, it turns out that there are only about 110 locations (out of about 800) where the black population exceeds 25 percent of the overall population. That certainly does not support the claim that “most” clinics are in “black neighborhoods.”
➥ http://www.klannedparenthood.com/wp-...on-Control.pdf
Separately, in 2011, the Guttmacher Institute surveyed all abortion providers (about 1,700), including Planned Parenthood, and found that 60 percent are in majority-white neighborhoods — and that fewer than one in ten abortion providers are located in neighborhoods where more than half of the residents are black.
➥ Claim that Most Abortion Clinics Are Located in Black or Hispanic Neighborhoods Is False
Gord - Thanks for clearing up those misconceptions. (pun intended)
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