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Old 28-08-2021, 19:22   #61
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pirate Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by Paul L View Post
So you think overcrowded hospitals due to the number of extremely sick covid patients was caused by the people we voted for? I don't get it. It's a pandemic.
None so blind as those that will not see..

You can't beat a people up for 75 years and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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Old 28-08-2021, 19:46   #62
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
The bollox was laying all the blame on those not vaccinated.. its bad judgements, graft and personal politics that are the main cause to my mind.
Some really important contracts were handed out to 'Chum's' in the UK and were either not fulfilled or ineptly fulfilled..
* Was it coincidence that three companies linked to Mr Hancock, or his family, won lucrative contracts? Topwood, a company run by his sister and brother-in-law, in which Mr Hancock has a 20 per cent stake, secured a contract with NHS Wales worth £150,000. The brother of Ms Coladangelo (she's Hancock's mistress) is an executive at a private healthcare company that has won a string of public sector contracts. And Alex Bourne, who used to run the Cock Inn near Mr Hancock’s old constituency home in Thurlow, won a £30 million deal for Covid tests.*
and this was just the Health Minister, there's many more involved in the money grabbing thats going on during this 'Pandemic'.
I doubt its any different in the US.. as an individual one won't be important again till the next polling day.
As for whether being vaccinated reduces my chance of being hospitalised.. who knows, never had Covid to my knowledge.. if I did catch it it did not affect me overmuch.. but then I've never had the flu either as far as I'm aware.
In Portugal the cases seem to be rising again as more get vaccinated.. currently standing at 50% fully vaccinated.
"As for whether being vaccinated reduces my chance of being hospitalised.. who knows, never had Covid to my knowledge.. if I did catch it it did not affect me overmuch.. but then I've never had the flu either as far as I'm aware."

It's not about you. Why is that so hard to understand? Instead of getting your news from tabloids and seeing scandals as evidence that someone somewhere is lying and conspiring and blah, blah blah, read some actual data. Hospitals are filling up with unvaccinated patients infected with Covid, mostly the Delta variant, and the downstream effect is that others suffer. If you are good with that just say so.
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Old 28-08-2021, 19:48   #63
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Thanks, go boating now. You nicely adopted an ad hominem argument that allows you to easily ignore everything I said. The last bastion of people with no evidence. I’m simply a "denier." When all right thinking people just are true believers. How can anyone rationally deny what everybody else believes in? Imagine, it might be thought that "that weren’t a team player."

Sorry, but I don’t believe that a bunch of marginally effective steps taken without much a priori proof that they’re going to be effective somehow constitute progress towards a goal. That’s like the old math problem of random steps, usually described in less woke times as The Drunkard's Walk. You move around a lot, but don’t get anywhere. So far, there’s not been a solution that demonstrably works. Some countries that started with bad results got better. Some that looked like they were doing well, suddenly got worse. For example, do masks reduce the transmission? You can certainly prove in a laboratory setting that approved masks, properly worn, reduce the spread of particles. Extrapolating that to reduced disease propagation isn’t nearly as straightforward. Extend that logic to using any random face-covering made of whatever material one has at home is simply wishful thinking. Then further, setting arbitrary requirements as to when and where and how these masks are worn further reduces any putative effectiveness. But it obviously makes you feel better. That’s theater, not science.

In my case, at the beginning of this mess, I was denied much needed, but admittedly not emergency, surgery while the hospitals were half empty, just in case. For five months until the surgical backlog got serious and the hospital income was down. Then, suddenly, it was "safe" again.

It’s like the current kerfuffle about Ivermectin. Does it work? I’d guess not very well, but I’ve not yet seen any real studies. But the problems with it are less that it’s inherently dangerous, but that stupid people are taking a pill designed for a 1200 pound horse. . Ivermectin in the proper human dosage has been widely prescribed for humans. It was routinely prescribed to cruisers in some South American countries 10 years ago when one left the country because roundworm infections were so common. Similar to the nonsense a year ago about hydroxychloroquine. When I went cruising in the 1980s, I was prescribed a six-month dose, to be taken weekly until I’d been out of malarial country for a month. Would I personally take either one for COVID.? No. But not because they’re so dangerous in they’re normally prescribed dosage. I wouldn’t take aspirin for COVID either. But we’ve just got to prevent stupid, careless people to stop doing stupid or careless things.
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Old 28-08-2021, 19:55   #64
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

My understanding is that we've lived with laws regarding vaccines for decades. Try travelling abroad without the certificate. Try getting your kids in certain schools. This isn't new and the technology used to advance these vaccines isn't either but then there are those that think certain chemicals reduced to a literal impossibility can cure disease. Try reasoning with that. Once individual freedom trumps the good of the whole it's going to be an issue.
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Old 28-08-2021, 20:19   #65
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by larsfforsberg View Post
EXACTLY. The nonsense around this thing is insane. I only see scared people wearing masks in big grocery stores. Maybe they have co-morbidities, so good for them. I don't have health issues, so I'll keep on living. I have not heard or experienced any hospitals being overcrowded - other than big media, whose job it is, apparently, to make you afraid. Be very afraid! I am much more afraid of idiots texting while driving 80 mph.
Exactly. Heres another fat, lazy bastard who got what he earned.

Fitness enthusiast, 42, who rejected vaccine, dies of Covid John Eyers had been climbing mountains four weeks before his death in intensive care.

Sarah Marsh@sloumarshWed 4 Aug 2021 14.11 EDTA

A “fit and healthy” 42-year-old who loved climbing mountains and lifting weights has died of Covid-19 after refusing to get vaccinated, leaving his twin sister and mother heartbroken.The two women warned others not to think they are invulnerable to the dangers of the virus.The father of one, John Eyers, a construction expert from Southport in Merseyside, was described by his sister Jenny McCann as “the fittest, healthiest person I know”. She added that her brother had been climbing Welsh mountains and camping in the wild four weeks before his death.But he was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, and told his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated. His twin said his death was “a tragedy”.

“He thought if he contracted Covid-19 he would be OK. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine in his body.

He was pumped full of every drug in the hospital. They threw everything at him,” McCann said on Twitter.“It should not have happened. He leaves a mum and a dad, a sister (me), and a 19-year-old daughter. My two children have lost their fun uncle. The uncle who would always play with them.”. . .“You can see it dawn on them that they potentially made the biggest mistake of their lives [in not getting the vaccine], which is really hard,” she said, adding that she had overheard people telling family members about their remorse.
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Old 28-08-2021, 20:20   #66
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

COVID problems have not, in most cases, been directly CAUSED by the people we elected, but their poor decisions have arguably made things worse, not better. Unfortunately, we won’t know for years which stupid decisions and mandates should have gotten people strung up. At that point, it will just be an interesting scientific study.

NortonsCove is right on about vaccine laws being around for years. I well remember my 10th year summer vacation being completely ruined by a polio epidemic. I was right at the head of the line for the Salk vaccine. I got my first shot card in the USAF in 1962, after being given about a dozen shots in one afternoon. When I went traveling to Europe in the early 1979s, I updated all my shots. My then-girlfriend, an ICU nurse, refused. When we arrived in Italy, if you couldn’t show a current cholera shot, the Army gave you one. She was very unhappy.

I’m not opposed to vaccines, I’ve had most of them. I’m opposed to the drum-banging and coercion of the advocates for everybody else to have to do something, because the true believers think they’ve got a corner on knowing what everyone else should do to save the world.

But NortonsCove is wrong about the COVID vaccines being "well-proven" technology. The Phizer and Moderna vaccines are new mRNA. It turns out that they seem to have less problems though than the older, more proven vaccines, at least so far.
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Old 28-08-2021, 20:29   #67
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Or Jim Fix, the runner who helped start the fitness craze. Healthy as a horse. Did everything healthy. Dropped dead at 52 from a heart attack. Some people die from disease. What’s new? Not everybody who dies from a disease "deserves it." Let’s hear from the "if he’d just done x, or y or z, it might not have happened." Or maybe it was just his day to be in Samarkand.
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Old 28-08-2021, 20:35   #68
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by ixnax View Post
Exactly. Heres another fat, lazy bastard who got what he earned.

Fitness enthusiast, 42, who rejected vaccine, dies of Covid John Eyers had been climbing mountains four weeks before his death in intensive care.

Sarah Marsh@sloumarshWed 4 Aug 2021 14.11 EDTA

A “fit and healthy” 42-year-old who loved climbing mountains and lifting weights has died of Covid-19 after refusing to get vaccinated, leaving his twin sister and mother heartbroken.The two women warned others not to think they are invulnerable to the dangers of the virus.The father of one, John Eyers, a construction expert from Southport in Merseyside, was described by his sister Jenny McCann as “the fittest, healthiest person I know”. She added that her brother had been climbing Welsh mountains and camping in the wild four weeks before his death.But he was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, and told his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated. His twin said his death was “a tragedy”.

“He thought if he contracted Covid-19 he would be OK. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine in his body.

He was pumped full of every drug in the hospital. They threw everything at him,” McCann said on Twitter.“It should not have happened. He leaves a mum and a dad, a sister (me), and a 19-year-old daughter. My two children have lost their fun uncle. The uncle who would always play with them.”. . .“You can see it dawn on them that they potentially made the biggest mistake of their lives [in not getting the vaccine], which is really hard,” she said, adding that she had overheard people telling family members about their remorse.
I love these stories. People getting what they deserve.
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Old 28-08-2021, 22:30   #69
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by Bycrick View Post
Or Jim Fix, the runner who helped start the fitness craze. Healthy as a horse. Did everything healthy. Dropped dead at 52 from a heart attack. Some people die from disease. What’s new? Not everybody who dies from a disease "deserves it." Let’s hear from the "if he’d just done x, or y or z, it might not have happened." Or maybe it was just his day to be in Samarkand.
Fixx died of a heart attack. That pretty much eliminates "healthy as a horse". FYI, each and every year thousands of people die from unexpected heart issues. But you just carry on believing what makes you happy.
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Old 28-08-2021, 23:48   #70
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

I find it patently absurd to suggest that pharmaceutical companies and government officials might put profits over public safety! Give me just one example of that ever happening in the past!

... Hahahahahahaha!

But seriously: I think this virus is a very real threat. A close friend of mine and a wonderful person died after contracting it. It's very real ... to me, anyway.

However, I still have no plans as of yet to get the vaccine. And it's not because I think it doesn't work or that it is dangerous or is part of some kind of conspiracy. My wife got it. I didn't try to convince her not to. I have my reasons for not getting it - and if you're at all curious, I have no problem telling you what those reasons are.

Maybe I'll die of Covid. Who knows? One thing I do know is that, if I do, I won't be ashamed having to explain to my maker why I gloated over the deaths of those who didn't share my opinion. That's just ****ed up.
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Old 29-08-2021, 01:59   #71
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by goboatingnow View Post
You last line clearly indicates you are not reading any scientific papers coming out of Of Israel nor those emerging from the U.K.

There is concern over the waning efficacy of early Pfizer vaccinations. As the preprint warn, the early data is far from conclusive.

The conclusions , administer a booster. IN PERPETUITY

Nothing indicate the vaccines at not effective at preventing serious illness or death
Couldn't resist presenting the definition of a vaccine here. If I am an unscrupulous pharma exec, this is the best business plan in the history of mankind. Though, there is no such thing as bad pharma.
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Old 29-08-2021, 02:25   #72
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by ixnax View Post
Exactly. Heres another fat, lazy bastard who got what he earned.
Look, I can do it too! Except, I would never pass judgement saying someone got what they deserve or serves them right. That's just plain wrong. If you believe that, you should repent. Seriously.
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Old 29-08-2021, 05:27   #73
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
None so blind as those that will not see..
That's almost as insightful as your statement that you have a strong immune system so don't need to worry about getting covid.
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Old 29-08-2021, 05:38   #74
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pirate Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by Paul L View Post
That's almost as insightful as your statement that you have a strong immune system so don't need to worry about getting covid.
We all live and die as a result of decisions we make in life.. from just getting out of bed every day onwards..
You could choose to stay in bed, but then the apartment above may have had a water leak in the night and the ceiling collapses onto your bed injuring or killing you..
Life's like that..

You can't beat a people up for 75 years and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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Old 29-08-2021, 06:07   #75
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Re: Mexican Navy vaccinated us

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
We all live and die as a result of decisions we make in life.. from just getting out of bed every day onwards..

You could choose to stay in bed, but then the apartment above may have had a water leak in the night and the ceiling collapses onto your bed injuring or killing you..

Life's like that..

And hopefully the decisions one makes in their lives doesn’t affect others, if so those were selfish decisions.
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