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  1. SaucySailoress
    Just been looking at your blog - looks like you guys are having an awesome time!
  2. champ8242
    well, if I tell you that I still have water in my bilge comming thru the portholes, my cockpit floor is in the primer again due to corrosion, you saw after the refit was done I had to replace the windows on the dock house because they didn’t remove them when sandblasting and you couldn’t see thru the glass anymore…. and I can go on and on and on.

    But hé, it's just a boat
  3. champ8242

    Just created an album for you NJOY
    copy & paste the following link

  4. champ8242
    I sure will! But it will take me a few hours to talk about the refit 6 months 70K and still not satisfied!
  5. champ8242

    Yes it is a steel VdS. I had a major overhaul 2 years ago. I'm sailing the Ijsselmeer, Waddenzee, Northsee (NL, BE, UK, GE, Norway) It's completely iced in for 8 weeks or so, so no chance of experimenting with OpenCPN

  6. champ8242

    If you are sailing on the IJsselmeer, you can drop anchor in my backyard; 52.535647,5.446858
    I can even arrange a stay for a night (or two) on a jetty in our private marina if you let me know a bit ahead

  7. Hampus
    I know all about limited budgets What kind of ketch and where are you planning on taking her?

  8. Rhoel_Asia
    Hi, I stumbled upon by accident - I now have the latest stable version and it works a treat on my system - I am without charts for much of my areas but I'll start building them up bit by bit: I do have some vector pilotage of the local islands but they are not ECN format - I think they are all AI or Shapefiles.

    Thanks for the pointer - Dave have done some astonishingly good work there.

    aka Rhoel

About Me

  • About idpnd
    Vessel Make/ model
    Chiquita 46 - Libertalia
    Almería, ES
  • Signature
    sv Libertalia


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  • Last Activity: 20-08-2022 12:18
  • Join Date: 29-09-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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