Actually the biggest problem I see is the sorb. I just don't see having enough room to carry enough if cruising full time. Also in a cat carrying that much sorb is going to overload the
boat. Lastly, getting it shipped to someplace remote is going to be really expensive.
I don't necessarily agree about dive times either. On sites with a lot of bottom contour (walls and sloping
reefs for example), or shallower wrecks, diving CCR you have the potential to do longer runtimes without even going into deco. I read a while back on one of the boards about some divers, I think it was in the Caymans, doing some dives in the 250' range with run times of about 3hrs. With no deco. It was just a very long multi level dive, in which they maxed out at the
depth, and immediately started working their way slowly up the wall.