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Old 31-08-2018, 16:28   #106
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by valhalla360 View Post
If you are openly doing it as a commercial enterprise, no issue with it......
...Where I object is the people who do little more than beg and imply they "need" help when 99% of their issues are traced back to their own choices that could easily be seen as poor choices well in advance.
This represents the two major points I think most everyone could and arguably should agree on.

Many of us were raised with an understanding of the free rider problem in civilization...that some people contribute what most consider to be practically nothing useful for society, yet the same people enjoy all the benefits that those who contributed.

The street artist will argue s/he contributes to society by adding to what they used to call bread and circus. If you live in any part of the world where the bridges and roads are a little run down, taxes and cost of living is expensive...the notion of slaving in a cubicle for 10 hours a day then go home and get release by sending money to people driving leather lined cars, having nicer things than they people in the's absurd to many. And if the YT people are utilizing the tax code correctly, they probably pay little to no taxes to pay into the system where a billion dollars worth of societal efforts will be brought to bear if/when Bobby gets a tummy ache at sea and they call in the Navy.
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Old 31-08-2018, 16:34   #107
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

That is a rather wierd and a good point.
On a another note if one of my daughter's boyfriend's tried to make a buck shoving a camera at her T&A I would personally castrate the punk.
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Old 31-08-2018, 16:46   #108
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by Steamerlanes View Post
Why do all these youtube channels feel the need to explain what a great service they are offering to viewers and the environment with their clever marketing techniques? I'm on the water to get away from commercialism and to be honest these channel's have caused me to no longer watch any of them except Mr Williams and 1 guy that sails with no engine. I feel these are the only 2 that offer any valuable content to me to warrant the time to watch. These guy's try to pass on wisdom out of the love for sailing not as a marketing ploy.
Why? It's pure economics. Keep in mind that it's now the Internet Generation, mixed with the millennials - many with no chance of ever having a professional career. No money. Those are the new "YouTube stars". Thus, to them, a per-video "help fund me" income of $500 or $1K is like winning the lottery. It's better than a full-time job as a cashier in a convenience store.

Like you, my reason for sailing is to "get away". To sail! Not to try to win an Internet lottery via constantly uploading home videos. In most first-world countries, walk down any street now ... or ride a train ... or be a secret fly on someone's wall. People are now living vicariously - all day, every day - with their faces planted in a mobile phone or a laptop. They all know how to take a 'selfie', yet they know nothing about 'sailing'. Can you imagine a late-'60s / early-'70s hippy commune with all the "peace / love / mother-nature" members' faces planted all day in a cell phone? (hahaha) Maybe that would be a good new Coca-Cola commercial. Anyway, CSNY would never have made a record, and I know David Crosby. (hahaha)

It's a different time now. What's interesting is that many of the newbies have NEVER before been on a sailboat, yet they now want to start a full-time 'sailing channel'. What is the name of that old Aerosmith album? 'Permanent Vacation'? I hope they at least know how to swim. They might really need it.
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Old 31-08-2018, 16:49   #109
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Probably the best response yet. Of course a sense of comraderie and were all friends here will loosen those purse strings.
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Old 31-08-2018, 17:03   #110
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by PortClydeMe View Post
Why? It's pure economics. Keep in mind that it's now the Internet Generation, mixed with the millennials - many with no chance of ever having a professional career. No money. Those are the new "YouTube stars". Thus, to them, a per-video "help fund me" income of $500 or $1K is like winning the lottery. It's better than a full-time job as a cashier in a convenience store.

Like you, my reason for sailing is to "get away". To sail! Not to try to win an Internet lottery via constantly uploading home videos. In most first-world countries, walk down any street now ... or ride a train ... or be a secret fly on someone's wall. People are now living vicariously - all day, every day - with their faces planted in a mobile phone or a laptop. They all know how to take a 'selfie', yet they know nothing about 'sailing'. Can you imagine a late-'60s / early-'70s hippy commune with all the "peace / love / mother-nature" members' faces planted all day in a cell phone? (hahaha) Maybe that would be a good new Coca-Cola commercial. Anyway, CSNY would never have made a record, and I know David Crosby. (hahaha)

It's a different time now. What's interesting is that many of the newbies have NEVER before been on a sailboat, yet they now want to start a full-time 'sailing channel'. What is the name of that old Aerosmith album? 'Permanent Vacation'? I hope they at least know how to swim. They might really need it.
Prior point made early about "feeding people's fantasies" was dead on. Yes the noses are glued to phone's, even dating and long distant engagements are online. Maybe they teach the feigned friendship as a marketing technique. Used car salesman are your best buddies when walking.
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Old 05-09-2018, 13:18   #111
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by Steamerlanes View Post
That is a rather wierd and a good point.
On a another note if one of my daughter's boyfriend's tried to make a buck shoving a camera at her T&A I would personally castrate the punk.
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Old 05-09-2018, 13:21   #112
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

After reading through the comments, I must say, I think my point of view has evolved a bit. It seems, overall that people feel as though there are 2 types of Sailing You Tubers; the first type are those who have no other way of making money and start a You Tube channel in order to fund the entirety of their venture and then there are those creating videos of their trip, who happen to make money. It is a slight delineation that makes a big difference in the final product. After reading the comments here and looking into a few other YouTubers it is a difference that is pretty easy to spot. You can spot the genuine creators who are having fun making the videos and documenting their trip and then, on the other hand, those who are forcing something that might not actually be right for them, just to make money. Like so many have pointed out, the nice thing about Patreon or buying their merchandise, is that it is totally optional. To then support the genuine creators and sailors is fairly easy to do, even if that support is not monetary, and is simply subscribing to their channel, allowing their platform to grow to a broader audience. 

My husband and I found ourselves really wondering about what would get our name out there and get more subscribers. We even started our channel calling it “Life out There” but quickly realized it was completely disingenuous. After changing our name and making the decision to put out content that makes us happy and that we find funny (a personal journal, so to speak) we found ourselves having more fun and people seem to really enjoy the change we made. The lighthearted tomfoolery is something we are way better at portraying than the travel channel, type of content that we thought would make us famous (OK, we never really thought we’d be famous, but you know what I mean). It’s been really interesting seeing all the different perspectives here on the topic and I’m glad to say I was swayed in a really positive manner by the majority of them!

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Old 05-09-2018, 14:24   #113
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by AKscamp View Post
After reading through the comments, I must say, I think my point of view has evolved a bit. It seems, overall that people feel as though there are 2 types of Sailing You Tubers; the first type are those who have no other way of making money and start a You Tube channel in order to fund the entirety of their venture and then there are those creating videos of their trip, who happen to make money. It is a slight delineation that makes a big difference in the final product. After reading the comments here and looking into a few other YouTubers it is a difference that is pretty easy to spot. You can spot the genuine creators who are having fun making the videos and documenting their trip and then, on the other hand, those who are forcing something that might not actually be right for them, just to make money. Like so many have pointed out, the nice thing about Patreon or buying their merchandise, is that it is totally optional. To then support the genuine creators and sailors is fairly easy to do, even if that support is not monetary, and is simply subscribing to their channel, allowing their platform to grow to a broader audience. 

My husband and I found ourselves really wondering about what would get our name out there and get more subscribers. We even started our channel calling it “Life out There” but quickly realized it was completely disingenuous. After changing our name and making the decision to put out content that makes us happy and that we find funny (a personal journal, so to speak) we found ourselves having more fun and people seem to really enjoy the change we made. The lighthearted tomfoolery is something we are way better at portraying than the travel channel, type of content that we thought would make us famous (OK, we never really thought we’d be famous, but you know what I mean). It’s been really interesting seeing all the different perspectives here on the topic and I’m glad to say I was swayed in a really positive manner by the majority of them!

Couple year's ago kept tabs on maybe 3 channel's. Just people out on an adventure making mistakes,learning and having fun. Was pretty obvious when changed more into a business model,pushing sponsers and guided travel tours of the marinas they now stay at. Whats wiith all the Cat channels? Is there that much money to be had they can all afford floating condos now? PFFT
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Old 05-09-2018, 18:59   #114

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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

That's where the money and comfort are.
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Old 28-10-2018, 14:21   #115
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

AKScamp...I applaud you and thank you for being a YouTuber. If not for you and many other sailing YouTubers, I may not have overcome my fear of losing sight of shore to sail across oceans. My whole life I have had a calling to travel and explore and go on adventures.. Now that my kids are grown I can travel far and long. I am passionate about photography, writing and travel. I've always wanted to make a living using my talents and Creativity and finally I have figured it out. I can get paid doing what I love, travelling the world, taking pictures, writing, exploring, going on adventures, helping others along the way....Thanks to YouTube and the internet blogs. 6 months ago I thought I would have to fly everywhere...Until I started watching the sailing videos and educating myself about sailing. For 30 years my husband has been talking about getting a sailboat and sailing around the world. I was adamant that I wouldn't go on it. I'm at a point in my life that I decided I am going to live without fear. Now, sailing is all I can think about. Getting paid for something you love to do is how I want to live.... Freedom! By the way, both my husband and I were on different reality shows and they aren't real. I would much rather watch a YouTube video about someone's REAL adventures/ misadventures than a fake lie that Hollywood produces. Thank you for doing what you do and sharing it. I hope you make lots of money doing what you love! If others want to bash you for that, they are just jealous.. Hope to see you on the seas! Sailing to Alaska in 2019!
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Old 28-10-2018, 20:32   #116
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by KWild View Post
By the way, both my husband and I were on different reality shows and they aren't real. I would much rather watch a YouTube video about someone's REAL adventures/ misadventures than a fake lie that Hollywood produces.
Where a Camera Films....Reality Fades.
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Old 28-10-2018, 21:44   #117
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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Originally Posted by Nobody View Post
I get the feeling there are cruisers here that feel they have the right to go cruising and anybody that came along after him should not be able to

And let's also not forget the attitude that "I had to struggle and save and wait till retirement to do it".
So there's always some resentment from the "I did it the old-fashioned way folks", while walking in snow uphill both ways.
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Old 29-10-2018, 18:35   #118

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Re: A case for the sailing YouTuber

Marginally relevant but IMO interesting New Yorker piece
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