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Old 16-10-2023, 16:11   #1
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Cruising the world with state registration?

I've followed and participated in several threads over the years where people have difficulty getting US Coast Guard Documentation for their boat for one reason or another. The process has always been awkward, slow, and convoluted. It is particularly difficult for older used boats that were foreign built and never previously documented. These things have made me wonder if just registering your boat in some state makes more sense for some people? I had a friend that built and sailed several small boats back and forth across the Atlantic to Europe more than once, and down to South America and back. He always just registered his boats in New Jersey and said it was never a problem. Has anyone ever encountered a problem arriving with a US state registered boat in another country?
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Old 16-10-2023, 16:21   #2
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Re: Cruising the world with state registration?

A really good question. Following this with great interest
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Old 16-10-2023, 16:55   #3
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Re: Cruising the world with state registration?

Our previous boat was undocumented. We had no problems in the countries we visited, but it was Mexico, then Australia and New Zealand, and all the South Pacific countries. The boat eventually was sold in Australia, however, she returned to the US via HI one time, and no problem at that time with re-entry. She was registered in Illinois.

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Old 16-10-2023, 16:59   #4
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Re: Cruising the world with state registration?

Seems like there are lots of votes with USVI and PR registration numbers sailing around the Caribbean.
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Old 16-10-2023, 17:27   #5
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Re: Cruising the world with state registration?

Seems the biggest reason for CG documentation is the prerequisite for financing. We have never had a problem sailing the Caribbean anywhere with our Florida state registration.
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Old 16-10-2023, 17:32   #6
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Re: Cruising the world with state registration?

Caveat - the last time we were out in the old boat was 2015.

Our old boat was state registered, and we visited more the 50 countries in her, and never once got questioned.

Central America, South America (west coast), Pacific Milk Run, SE Asia, Africa, Med/Europe, Caribbean, and back to US to close the loop. Two-and-a-half full laps of the globe and never a single question. The state in which we were registered is also a titling state, never once even got asked to show the title (which is a bit fancy and a full-size page) all we ever showed was the registration card (3 1/2 x 5 or so). Not one question, anywhere, ever.

I'm sure the naysayers will pop up to tell me we were not "flagged" as a US vessel, and if not 'resident' in the state then we could not be registered there (our state taxes boats, and requires proof of permanent moorage elsewhere before they will stop taxing - which flies in the face of 'you have to be here to be registered here'), but we had no issues over decades of cruising.

Our new (to us) boat is USCG documented, but only because it was easier, and avoided the tax questions since we did not buy her in the US and did not bring her back here until 5 years after we bought her.

Originally Posted by Kettlewell View Post
The process has always been awkward, slow, and convoluted. It is particularly difficult for older used boats that were foreign built and never previously documented.
Our boat was 16-years-old when we bought her, foreign-built, never documented, and had a string of previous owners and we had no issues, found nothing convoluted, and it really did not take very long. And we did it all ourselves, no agent. If you can read, comprehend, and follow the USCG directions it is pretty straightforward and, IMO, easy.
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Old 17-10-2023, 07:57   #7
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Re: Cruising the world with state registration?

BoatUS says this on a page about boat registration and documentation:
Documentation has several advantages, but its primary uses are to provide a "paper trail" that establishes ownership of a vessel, and documentation is often necessary to travel overseas.
Glad to read this:
Our boat was 16-years-old when we bought her, foreign-built, never documented, and had a string of previous owners and we had no issues, found nothing convoluted, and it really did not take very long. And we did it all ourselves, no agent. If you can read, comprehend, and follow the USCG directions it is pretty straightforward and, IMO, easy.
But, I do know of problems that can be encountered. We bought a boat once that had been homebuilt in France, and the previous owner/builder once we had paid was completely uncooperative in doing things like removing her from French registration or providing the Builders Certification. Similarly, I know of other boats that have been acquired by people who find out that there is no clear ownership and title trail. There are always ways around these things, but it is not always straightforward.
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