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Old 13-10-2023, 10:50   #1
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USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel


I’m trying to get my vessel registered with USCG. The manufacturer is Alubat, which is a French manufacturer. I hired a registration service but they are stuck because there is not a manufacturer code “MIC” for the manufacturer. They have been informed that I need to get a new HID issued by the stated where the vessel is titled.

I read on other threads on this forum that this shouldn’t be an issue as long as the vessel will not be used for commercial purposes. This is a recreational vessel.

What do I need to do? Are there any specific instructions I can give to the registration service to move the registration forward?

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Old 13-10-2023, 11:04   #2
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

Call the USCG. I have found phone and chat responses from the USCG to be quite helpful.
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Old 13-10-2023, 11:13   #3
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

I assume you have a HID number on the boat now. If so, it has an MIC code already in there. What is it? What is the current status of the boat? Is this happening as part of a sale, or have you owned the boat for some time already? Has the boat ever been USCD documented before?

Alubat has been in business for a very long time, the idea that they do not have an assigned MIC is goofy. it might be under a different name, or just not in the particular database these dummies are looking in. If there already is an HID number on the boat, your registration service is incompetent. Fire them, and hire someone else.

Just as an example, I sail an Amel, also made in France. Literally hundreds of them are documented with the USCG, yet if you search the USCG database for MIC codes, AMEL is not listed, because the USCG database only lists US based boatbuilders!!!

If you are documenting the boat (not "registering") it with the USCG, your boat is NEVER titled in a state.
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Old 13-10-2023, 11:43   #4
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USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

I have a foreign manufactured boat. Pre-HIN so no hill ID number. It’s documented. It was previously US documented, taken out of US registry and put on UK registry. Then put back in US registry.

Plenty of Alubat boats are documented in the US.
Talk to the USCG, and find a documentation service that knows what it is doing.
Is your boat new? Has it been documented in the past? Was it state titled or registered in the past?
Did you buy it in the US? Was I’d documented/registered in another country before?
These are important in figuring out what you need to do.
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Old 13-10-2023, 19:35   #5
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

Once you have spoken with the USCG documentation service and found out how simple it is you may decide to save some money (and possibly some time and aggravation) and do the paperwork yourself. Make sure you deal with the site, and not the scammers that offer their services to "help" you.
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Old 13-10-2023, 19:54   #6
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

Originally Posted by psk125 View Post
Once you have spoken with the USCG documentation service and found out how simple it is you may decide to save some money (and possibly some time and aggravation) and do the paperwork yourself. Make sure you deal with the site, and not the scammers that offer their services to "help" you.
Amen. It is so easy, fast, and cheap to do it yourself. The "services" don't add any value. And the folks at the USCG are super friendly and helpful.
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Old 13-10-2023, 20:15   #7
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

You need a better documentation service (if you use one at all, as others have said, no reason to use one). All of 30 seconds on will tell you that the French MIC for Alubat is “ALU” (imagine that). To the USCG the HIN will be FR ALUxxxxxxx, where the first two letters are the country code and the next three are that country’s MIC.

We documented our French “AOM” with no problems, even though there is also a US AOM MIC (Atelier Outremer and Allwaters Marine). The USCG has zero issues with this.

[Soapbox] the US is the only country with the hubris to stamp/print/issue HINs without a country code. Because there is no universal MIC registry it is entirely possible to have duplicate HINs if you drop the country code [/Soapbox]
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Old 14-10-2023, 05:08   #8
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

Our vessel was built in France in 1993 and did not have a hull ID number on it. When the previous owner imported it to the US, the CG just used the French documentation number as the hull ID number. They based everything on a translated version of the French documentation.
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Old 15-10-2023, 06:40   #9
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

I previously owned an owner-built French boat and I first registered it with the state which assigned an HID. It's often easier to get a state registration so you can sail around legally while awaiting your USCG documentation. I later documented the boat and had the HID assigned by the state for the paperwork. Typically, getting an HID requires some official to view the boat and provide the HID. Each state will have a different process. Here's what New York State says about it.
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Old 15-10-2023, 09:25   #10
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Re: USCG registration of foreign manufacturered vessel

Originally Posted by HeywoodJ View Post
You need a better documentation service (if you use one at all, as others have said, no reason to use one). All of 30 seconds on will tell you that the French MIC for Alubat is “ALU” (imagine that). To the USCG the HIN will be FR ALUxxxxxxx, where the first two letters are the country code and the next three are that country’s MIC.

We documented our French “AOM” with no problems, even though there is also a US AOM MIC (Atelier Outremer and Allwaters Marine). The USCG has zero issues with this.

[Soapbox] the US is the only country with the hubris to stamp/print/issue HINs without a country code. Because there is no universal MIC registry it is entirely possible to have duplicate HINs if you drop the country code [/Soapbox]

Re your soapbox HINs were required in the US before Europe. European countries chose a different numbering scheme well after the US scheme was in existence.
I would not call that US hubris, just history.
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