Thanks Gord, I had alreaday been there.. the 30 is one model that they don't have a manual for and the info on it is very basic..
As popular as those
boats were. I am surprised there is not a bigger fan base and website.
I have not figured out what I have...engine wise, but I strongly suspect from matching photos I have found that I have a Yanmar
I am hoping to find an online manual for it.. (ya know, yanmars for blondes)
the marina down the block wants $60 for one.. eeek
I guess I will just have to keep looking...any number of questions I Have about the
boat and its components..
I am, also,desperately seeking a forward
hatch or someone who is willing to make a
mold of thiers and send it to me.. mine was stolen or
lost when the boat was broken into a few yrs ago while in
Originally Posted by GordMay