Originally Posted by Factor
That boat with the oil rig rig has been moored in the river for 10 years or so, always looked at the rig and wondered how much windage - drag it would induce.
The first
photo is definitely a
seawind catamaran. The second, HOWEVER, is a 60 odd foot mono ( and I do mean odd) which is hanging off her usual private
mooring where it has been for years. I did not see the boat in any of the photos of the actual days of the big flood. I doubt it would have survived in that posiition, right in the full stream of the
current. I guess the owner wisely moved it down to the bay to avoid the flood.
I was on board this boat a few years ago up north. It is owned by an eccentric Dutchman (ain't they all). The hole in the stern is for dragging his large tinnie into. He originally built & launched the boat as a
trimaran but later on decided to turn it into a mono!!
SIMPLE - cut off the amas and suspend a railway line off the bottom of the main
hull. That's what he told me he did and he is odd enough to have done it.
The oil derrick rig is his own design as well. He welded up gal pipes and viola, there you have it. The whole thing was a one off design out of his
He had a mate who was building a mono at the same time and he built a similar rig. That boat was hanging off some poles down at new Farm reach further down the river, last time I spotted it a few years ago.